The Ghuluww Towards Yahyaa al-Haddadi: Part 6 - Yahya al-Haddadi Worshipped Besides Allaah With Istighaathah
Filed under: The Principles of the Haddaadiyyah Monday, March 25 2013 - by Manhaj.Com Key topics: Yahya Al-Hajuri Haddaadiyyah Ghulaat Al-Haajooree |
One of the students of Yahya al-Haddadi stated the following lines as occurs in the cassette "al-Qawl al-Jaliyy"
فما إن توارى ركب يحيى مسافراً **** إلى الحج إلا واستغثت مـناديا
أيا شيخ أدركني فإني من الجوى **** أكفكف دمعي من فراقك باكيا
And no soon had the caravan of Yahya disappeared from sight, travelling to Hajj, except that I beseeched him (with istighaathah), calling out "O Shaykh, reach me!" For indeed I am stirred by grief. I hold back my tears because your departure has made me cry.
The making of istighaathah (seeking rescue) and also using the phrase "reach me" (أدركني) is a well-known phrase of the Sufi grave worshippers who use the exact same word when beseeching their saints for help and relief. It is not surprising that all of this Ghuluww (exaggeration and extremism) towards Yahya al-Haddadi would lead some of his students and followers to fall into the likes of this. This is why the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) warned and prohibited his Ummah from excessively praising him. However, it seems that in the view of some of his students, al-Hajuri has reached a position loftier than 14 centuries worth of the men of knowledge, and he's combined the traits of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and that of the Companions and the Imaams of the Salaf, and if melted his flesh would become the verses of the Qur'an, so what else is left except to beseech him with istighaathah in difficult moments of excessive grief and loss of being!The Scholars of Tawheed explain (refer to the explanations of Kitab al-Tawheed and Thalaathat ul-Usool) that the unlawful istighaathah is beseeching someone for aid in a matter in which none has the control and power over except Allaah, the Exalted, and they explain the difference between the permitted istighaathah and the prohibited istighaathah which is shirk. When a person requests the aid and rescue of one who is present, able to hear, and has the ability (over the thing being requested), then this is from the permissible affairs, but when any of these conditions are absent (being present, being able to hear, and having ability), then this renders the request as major shirk.
In the above lines of poetry, the student of al-Hajuri explicitly states that when the caravan of al-Hajuri (travelling out to Hajj) had "disappeared from sight (توارى)" (and hence became absent), he called out with istighaathah to al-Hajuri, asking him, "Reach me", this being a request to relieve him of his grief. This no doubt enters into the realm of major shirk because the condition of being present, and being able to hear are no longer fulfilled. And this becomes like the Sufi grave-worshippers who invoke their saints for relief when they are in distress, even though those Shaykhs are dead (or alive, yet miles away) unable to hear the call of the one beseeching them.
So there you have it, if there was a lesson on how Shirk emerges, you don't have to wait for centuries as in the time of the people of Nuh (alayhis salaam), you can see it less than a decades worth of Ghuluww and exaggeration in the person of Yahya al-Haddadi al-Hajuri, the Gemini-Superstar and the ignoramuses surrounding him who clearly have not been nurtured in truth upon the Tawheed of the Messengers.
We seek refuge in Allaah, the starting point of all of this is the type of Ghuluww that al-Hajuri has been witnessing in front of his nose for many long years - satisfied and happy with such baatil. Indeed, as many people who were present in Dammaj area now reporting, this type of praise and excessiveness was considered normal in Dammaaj "so long as it did not get to the one being praised" - what an utterly misguided thought!
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