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Yahyaa al-Hajuri al-Haddaadi and Followers Firing Arrows Whilst Sinking in the Quicksand: The Issue of Istighaathah Revisited
Filed under: The Principles of the Haddaadiyyah
Wednesday, June 26 2013 - by Manhaj.Com
Key topics: Yahya Al-Hajuri Haddaadiyyah Ghulaat Al-Haajooree

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Question to Yahya al-Haddaadi

Let's listen to the question and answer:


The first question, they say, "al-Hajuri was worshipped besides Allaah with istighaathah and was pleased with that in that lines of poetry were read in which there is shirk and he affirmed them and then they mentioned ..."

In the question there is truth and falsehood. The truth is that we stated al-Hajuri was worshipped besides Allaah with istighaathah - and this is plain and clear for everyone to see, as was proven in our original article. One can simply return to the explanations of Kitaab al-Tawheed to understand what is istighaathah, its types and what constitutes shirk from it and there is no doubt that the poetry in question constitutes shirk and worship of other than Allaah in what is unique and befitting for Allaah alone. And you will note that al-Hajuri did not venture into rebutting this neither from near nor from far. Rather he ventures into making silly excuses for these types of remarks as occurs later in the recording.

As for the claim of the questioner that they (Maktabah Salafiyyah) say, "(al-Hajuri) was pleased with that (shirk) and he affirmed the lines of poetry of shirk when read (to him)..." then this is false. For there is nothing in our article which states that. It is this falsehood upon which al-Hajuri builds his further falsehood that we have made takfir of him. Let us deal with this issue first before moving on to the answer of al-Hajuri.

First: you can read our original article here. We cited the lines of poetry, highlighted how the scholars of Tawheed have explained and clarified istighaathah, and made it clear that this was definitely an act of worship directed to other than Allaah. Al-Hajuri cannot dispute this. And this is why these cowards have never addressed the issue of whether it constituted worship of other than Allaah or not, because that puts them in a sticky mess. Instead they are using that same old worn out intellectual terrorism of the Sufis and others who accuse the "Wahhabis" of "making takfir" of other Muslims simply because they point out the rulings on actions and statements (that constitute shirk).

Second: After that, we concluded our article with the following remark:

So there you have it, if there was a lesson on how Shirk emerges, you don't have to wait for centuries as in the time of the people of Nuh (alayhis salaam), you can see it less than a decades worth of Ghuluww and exaggeration in the person of Yahya al-Haddadi al-Hajuri, the Gemini-Superstar and the ignoramuses surrounding him who clearly have not been nurtured in truth upon the Tawheed of the Messengers.

We seek refuge in Allaah, the starting point of all of this is the type of Ghuluww that al-Hajuri has been witnessing in front of his nose for many long years - satisfied and happy with such baatil. Indeed, as many people who were present in Dammaj area now reporting, this type of praise and excessiveness was considered normal in Dammaaj "so long as it did not get to the one being praised" - what an utterly misguided thought!

We stated here that the starting point of (the final emergence of shirk) is the type of Ghuluww (exaggeration) al-Hajuri has been witnessing for many years. This is not disputed by al-Hajuri either, because there are many recordings, published works and the likes in which exaggeration is written or recited or stated, and al-Hajuri has either written an introduction to the book, praised it, or was sitting there listening to the speech as clearly evidenced in the audio recording itself, when he is often heard saying, "May Allaah reward you" at the end and what is like this speech. So this is not in dispute, and his followers cannot dispute that. So our statement means that this culmination of shirk took place after a history of a culture of Ghuluww that was largely met with acceptance and that this is how historically shirk has emerged, through exaggeration in the status of people.

Third: There is nothing in our article that states al-Hajuri was pleased with being worshipped by other than Allaah in that instance through istighaathah. This is a fabrication from them, al-Hajuri and the Hajawirah. However, there are others who have refuted al-Hajuri a long time ago and they state that al-Hajuri "affirmed the shirk" - this leads us to the fourth point:

Fourth: After the Hajaawirah released the audio file accusing Maktabah Salafiyyah of making takfeer of al-Hajuri, we found (on 26th June 2013) a four year old refutation on this very issue (which we subsequently tweeted). The refutation is actually very good and establishes and corroborates the same as what is in our article. However, the author states at the very beginning of his article:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الكريم نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين. أما بعد:

فقد وقفت واستمعت إلى أبيات قيلت في الشيخ الحجوري - هداه الله تعالى- فيها استغاثة بالغائب ودعاء وطلب الإدراك من الغائب حال غيابه. وقد أصبت -كما أصيب غيري من السلفيين- بالدهشة عند سماع هذا الكلام وأمثاله مما خرج مؤخرا من دار الحديث بدماج؛ فلم يكن يخطر في البال ولا يقع في الحسبان أن مثل هذا الكلام يتم إقراره و تسجيله ونشره من على كرسي الإمام الوادعي - طيب الله ثراه ورحمه- . وإلى هذه اللحظة، لم أسمع تراجعا لا من الشاعر الذي قال هذه الأبيات، ولا من شيخه الحجوري الذي أقرها وسمعها. ولا شك أن هذا الأمر في غاية الخطورة إذ أنه يمس أساس الدين وقوامه وهو توحيد الله تعالى، الذي أرسل الله عزوجل به الرسل، وجعله أساس دعوتهم، وجعله الحكمة التي من أجلها خلق الجن والإنس، وجعله أول واجب على العبيد إلى غير ذلك مما هو معلوم من أهمية التوحيد وفضله وليس هذا موضع بسط ذلك وبيانه.

After praising Allaah and sending salaat and salaam upon the Messenger, the author writes:

I have come across and listened to lines of poetry stated about Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree - may Allaah the Exalted guide him - within which there is istighaathah (seeking of relief from distress) from the absent person and invocation and the request of reaching (to deliver safety) from the absent person whilst he is away (distant). And I - just like others from the Salafis - was shocked when hearing this speech and its likes which has come out of Dar al-Hadith at Dammaaj recently. It would never occur to the mind and nor occur in one's reckoning that the likes of this speech should be affirmed, recorded and spread from one who is on the seat of al-Imaam al-Waadi'ee - may Allaah rest him in peace and have mercy upon him. And to this day I have not heard a recantation neither from the poet nor from his Shaykh al-Hajuri who affirmed it and listened to it. And there is no doubt that this is the extreme of danger, since it touches the foundation of the religion and its supporting (pillar) which is the Tawheed of Allaah, the Exalted, for which Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, sent the Messengers and made it the foundation of their call and made it the wisdom for which He created the Jinn and men, and He made it the first obligation upon the servants and other such affairs which are known to be from the important matters of Tawheed and its excellence, and this is not the place to expand upon that and explain it.

So this matter was circulated and known for four years at least and in Arabic it was known to the Hajaawirah that al-Hajuri was being refuted for not showing rejection against this and not having made tawbah for apparently listening to shirk and affirming it and allowing it to be spread. To this day, there is no tawbah in this regard - only feeble excuses (many of which are repeated in their recent audio recording). However, the point here is that despite the likes of these refutations being spread against al-Hajuri in the Arabic language, we ourselves never made any claim that al-Hajuri was pleased with being worshiped besides Allaah as al-Hajuri and his oppressive followers are now spreading. This is only to shock and scare the listeners, to divert away from al-Hajuri and his calamities and to use the same type of intellectual terrorism of the Sufis who claim Ahl al-Sunnah make takfir of the general folk and of their scholars when in reality Ahl al-Sunnah are not making takfir of a'yaan (individuals) when they clarify the Shari'ah rulings upon statements and actions. Rather, the real question is where is the written or recorded tawbah of al-Hajuri and his poet which meets the legislative requirements of an acceptable tawbah?

Answer of Yahya al-Haddaadi

From the answer of al-Hajuri to the question (full recording is above):

I say, those people are a transgressing people, they apply exaggerated sayings, how can one be worshipped other than Allaah, they name us tawaagheet, a taaghoot is one who is worshipped besides Allaah whilst he is pleased with (this worship), so this is takfir from those oppressors, misguided, ignoramuses. One of them does not know - as is said - his knee from his elbow... how (can these) rulings be made? He has been worshipped besides Allaah, he has become a taaghoot. This is ignorance... First, some of these sayings by the poet I don't even know about them. Maybe he said them here or there. Secondly, that the one who said falsehood, we refute him and sometimes he could be a bedouin, or could be strange, or sometimes the one who said it might not have (ability) to distinguish between meanings. And we are not pleased, by Allaah, with Ghuluww in us or other than us...

First: A man came to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and said, "Whatever Allah willed and what you willed" and the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallaam) - who was extremely jealous and fervent for the Tawheed of Allaah, in protecting it and cutting off all avenues that lead to compromise of it - remarked, "Have you made me a nidd (equal, rival) with Allaah?" This matter (of the veneration of Tawheed and its protection) is made abundantly clear in the statements and actions of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and it holds a great and lofty position in the heart of every Muwahhid. But this matter is mentioned in the context of minor Shirk, since it is in the arena of erroneous statements that can lead to major Shirk. And what about al-Hajuri? Instead of al-Hajuri turning to his poet and stating "Have you worshipped me besides Allaah!?" and showing rebuke and publishing a cassette on this matter in refutation of his poet and in defence and veneration of the affair of Tawheed and instead of writing a book in this regard instead we see al-Hajuri take the way of those Sufis who use intellectual terrorism to ward off legitimate criticism - those who start saying, "You are making takfeer of us! You have declared us kafirs!" We see that this matter is at least four years old and in all those four years we have not heard an audio, nor a written statement in which al-Hajuri makes clear his veneration for the affair of Tawheed and his refutation of each instance of the Ghuluww shown in him, let alone this particular instance of being worshipped besides Allaah in which the poet states his istighaathah with al-Hajuri when the latter departed for Hajj. These affairs were being brought to al-Hajuri over the years and he is not ignorant of them and despite that we do not see any legislatively acceptable repentance from al-Hajuri - even if we are just and we say that some of those poets and students from whom exaggeration occurred, then some of them have made retractions or clarifications. Leaving those few instances to one side, instead of being grateful, al-Hajuri and his extremist followers, whilst sinking in the quick-sand, are simply trying to shoot their last arrows. May Allaah guide them to that which is correct!

Second: We did not state that al-Hajuri is pleased with being worshipped besides Allaah, we stated that he was worshipped besides Allaah on account of the admission of his student poet. As for the saying that al-Hajuri affirmed it and agreed with it etc. that is found in numerous refutations done by others, refutations which have been circulated for many long years and so al-Hajuri and his extremist followers have tried to throw that upon us. However, the reality of the matter is that if it is established that al-Hajuri did actually hear that poetry with is own ears - and he has not denied this - then that raises many more questions than al-Hajuri and followers are able to provide answers for!

Third: Just as a side-point of clarification, the word "taaghoot" is not synonymous with "kafir" or takfir because the meaning of the word "taaghoot" can incorporate many different types of categories, such as those pleased with being worshiped besides Allaah, Shaytaan himself, or the ruler who rules by other than what Allaah has revealed, or a leader or head of misguidance, the deenaar or the dirham, or the one taking bribes, and the callers to innovation - as has been explained in the writings of the Scholars of Tawheed, the Mashaayikh of the Da'wah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim and others. So "taaghoot" is not synonymous with "kaafir" or takfeer - and this is a side-matter than can be addressed separately.

Four: In closing, what we hear in the audio recording, in the question and answer, is just intellectual terrorism from Yahya al-Haddaadi and a sympathy-plea on his behalf. It is fine for al-Hajuri to accuse the best of the Shaykhs of Ahl al-Sunnah with "almost reaching apostasy" - as he said about Shaykh Ubayd - but when he is rightfully criticised in relation to the greatest foundation of the religion and we point out a matter of shirk, we see him (and his followers) as sympathy-beggars, "They made takfir of our shaykh!" - and even then this is a fabrication and a lie and a twisting of the realities because nowhere in our article did we state that al-Hajuri was pleased with being worshipped besides Allaah. Conversely, Yahya al-Haddaadi's slanders, lies and insinuations against the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah (and accusing one of them with the verge of apostasy) are recorded in plain, clear unambiguous words, they were spread by his extremist followers and to this day no remorse or repentance.

So in reality, the saying of al-Hajuri, "oppressors, misguided, ignoramuses" only passes back to himself and his extremist followers, and what they are doing here is simply to conceal what has been etablished from al-Hajuri (without there being any clear tawbah):

a) his ascription of innovating into the deen of Allaah to Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu), b) his revilement of the Companions by claiming some of them participated in the assassination of Uthmaan (radiallaahu anhu) c) his claim that the innovation of Irjaa' originated with the Companions, d) his claim that the verse 3:165 means the Companions "disobeyed Allaah twice" when in reality it means that the Companions inflicted two-fold harm over the Pagans compared to what the Pagans inflicted upon them, e) his claim that Pharoah was a caller to Tawhid al-Rububiyyah and much much much more...

So they are concealing the scores of calamities of al-Hajuri who is a misguided ignoramus oppressor by fabricating lies upon those who rightly refuted him, and what we have covered in this article is simply one illustration of this strategy.

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