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The Conference of Green Lane Mosque (Singers and Ikhwanis) and Internal Politics: Part 4 - Protecting the Historical Record From Distortion and Neglect
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Friday, September 06 2013 - by Manhaj.Com
Key topics: Green Lane Mosque Yasir Qadhi Tawfique Chowdhury

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Specimen: A gathering in Manchester 2004. The list of speakers are: Yasir Qadhi (USA), Usama Hasan (London), Abu Eesa Niamatullah (Manchester), Murtaza Khan (London), Tawfique Chowdhury (Australia), Abu Abdissalam (London), Abu Aaliyah (London), Nabeel Shahzad Ul-Haq (London), Abu Muntasir (Ipswich), Saleem Abu Zubair (London - see full article here) and others. Notice here Tawfique Chowdhary cooperating and lecturing with hardcore Qutbi Takfiris. This is Tawfique Chowdhary already upon this manhaj (without even having to put his name to any pledge). A man does not have to put his name to a paper in order for him to implement the methodology it comprises. No, a man can already be upon that methodology. Putting a name to a paper simply means he is not shy to make a public admission and display of it in writing.

Specimen: Abu Usamah Khaleefah lecturing alongside Yasir Qadhi and Tawfique Chowdhary in 2004 at the Green Lane Masjid (MJAH) at a time when Maktabah Salafiyyah were warning from all of these three individuals on account of the Ikhwani principles upon which they were operating their da'wah, and their cooperation with Hizbiyyeen.

Specimen, Specimen, Specimen: Muhammad alShareef, Yasir Qadhi and Tawfique Chowdhary lecturing at Green Lane Mosque between 2005 and 2007. Maktabah Salafiyyah were warning from all three of these inviduals due to their misguidance and cooperation with various types of Ahl al-Bid'ah, just as they were warning from MJAH-GLM for inviting these people of deviation and misguidance. At the very same time, Shaykh Wasiullah was being invited to MJAH-GLM and used to undermine and attack Maktabah Salafiyyah. Those involved in using Shaykh Wasiullah for this objective are a) the very same people who are now spreading the criticism and warning of Shaykh Wasiullah against the 6th-8th September MJAH-GLM conference (with Tawfique Chowdhary and Waleed Basyouni) and b) Madeenah.Con.

Specimen, Specimen: This is Naeem of al-Hidaayah who is from the current MJAH-GLM administration. He is chairing a couple of talks of Yasir Qadhi on the MJAH-GLM platform. Not a whimper from those people back then, those who are now using Shaykh Wasiullah to warn from the current conference because Tawfique Chowdhary is attending. However, since 2004, they have been using Shaykh Wasiullah to attack and undermine Maktabah Salafiyyah! Further proof that the current MJAH-GLM rebels (and supporters such as Madeenah.Con) are upon contradiction and hypocrisy in their behaviour.

Specimen, Specimen, Specimen, Specimen, Specimen: A conference in Manchester (Didsbury Mosque) in June 2006. List of invited speakers include Suhaib Hasan, Muhammad bin Adam al-Kawthari (sufi saint worshipper, gives fatwas inviting to shirk and denial of uluww of Allaah), Mufti Yusuf Sacha (Tablighi Maturidi Deobandi), Riyadh al-Haqq (Deobandi Maturidi), Awadallah al-Azhari, Kehlan al-Jaboori, Abu Eesa Niamatullah. These specimens are clear proof that Suhaib Hasan was practically implementing the manhaj laid down in the pledge of 2007, before it ever saw the light of day by many long years (going way back into the 1990s in fact). Maktabah Salafiyyah had been warning from this manhaj of Suhaib Hasan since 1996 where his cooperation with Ash'aris and Ikhwanis was well known. However, Shaykh Wasiullah was used to undermine and attack Maktabah Salafiyyah for this very reason whilst today in 2013, because Tawfique Chowdhary put his name to a pledge in 2007 with Sufis, he is declared an innovator and the MJAH-GLM conference is warned against because he is attending. In all that time, these people who are now spreading this speech of Shaykh Wasiullah, they despised and detested that Suhaib Hasan should be warned against. Contradiction. Hypocrisy. Double standards.

Specimen: In the same year as the infamous Sufi pledge initiative (that Tawfique Chowdhary is being lambasted for), Hamza Yusuf published his translation of the Creed of al-Tahawi, for which Suhaib Hasan, the most-prominent and important figure for Markaz Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth, wrote a praise and commendation for the translation, comprising a praise for Hamza Yusuf who is from the heads and callers of todays Jahmiyyah. This is from the greatest manifestations of treachery to the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah and its adherents. Despite this, no sign of any furore from those who are now leading the bandwagon against the current MJAH-GLM Admin. No fatwas elicited from Shaykh Wasiullaah against Suhaib Hasan for going further than what Tawfique Chowdhary has done (unless you have evidence to the contrary). Rather, only a year later (in 2008) a group of those waging war against Maktabah Salafiyyah wrote a defence of Suhaib Hasan and got Shaykh Wasiullah to endorse it, and then it was distributed by Madeenah.Con (through Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury).

Specimen, Specimen: Suhaib Hasan is here participating in the MJAH-GLM conferences of December 2007 along with Abu Usamah Khaleefah, and again in April 2009, along with Ahsan Haneef and Abu Usamah Khaleefah. No one jumped to warn from this conference because a particular speaker (Suhaib Hasan) has a long and established history of cooperating with and sharing platforms with Sufis, Ash'aris, grave-worshippers, Ikhwanis, Tablighis and the likes. On the contrary (see next paragraph below) they were too busy writing defences of Suhaib Hasan and the MJAH-GLM complex and were distributing them against Maktabah Salafiyyah, getting such refutations approved and endorsed by Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas.

Specimen: A document checked and approved by Shaikh Wasiullah Abbas in 2008, written by a group of people some of whom are affiliated with Madeenah.Con (such as Abdur-Raoof Muhammad - see here). This document was used to defend Suhaib Hasan and MJAH-GLM against the criticisms directed at them by Maktabah Salafiyyah and the calamities of Suhaib Hasan and other heads of Markaz Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth were given lame excuses and justified. An updated version was released in June 2009 and this document was mass-promoted by Muhammad Akhtar Chadhury of Madeenah.Com (specimen). This indicates the continued connection between Abdul-Raoof and the Madeenah.Con network of individuals.

Specimen, Specimen: Lectures by Tawfique Chawdhury (April 2007) and Yasir Qadhi (June 2007) at the MJAH-GLM. This is after Maktabah Salafiyyah had been warning against these individuals for at least seven years prior. Meanwhile, allies of MJAH-GLM were waging war against Maktabah Salafiyyah.

Specimen, Specimen: A list of Madeenah.Con members and contributors from 2007 and 2013. Note all the names: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad, Tahir Wyatt, Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury, Nadir Ahmad, Shadeed Muhammad, Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni, Ismaa'eel bin Yusuf, Farhan Safdar, Mu'awiyah Tucker and Naveed Ayaz. The latter (Naveed Ayaz) is a relative newcomer but a fervent pusher of the tamyee'ee manhaj that unites all of these individuals in their collective hate and oppposition to the clear, unambiguous manhaj traversed by the Salafis. Naveed Ayaz supports and cooperates with the MJAH network of mosques whilst spreading hate and aversion against those affiliated with Maktabah Salafiyyah.

Specimen, Specimen, Specimen: A conference held in 2008 by MJAH-GLM where Shaykh Wasiullah is lecturing along with two of those who had put their names to the pledge, Haitham al-Haddad and Abdur-Raheem Greene. This is a year after the Sufi pledge issue (see here). We never saw those who are spreading Shaykh Wasiullah's tabdee' of against Tawfique Chowdhary showing any concern for the matter at that time. So here it is arranged for Shaykh Wasiullah to lecture alongside two individuals who put their names to that pledge (a year after it was refuted), and at the same time war is waged against Maktabah Salafiyyah - and all those parties join and collaborate in this war (MJAH-GLM, Luton, Madeenah.Con).

Specimen: Abu Usamah Khaleefah (MJAH-GLM Imaam and lecturer) participating with Tawfique Chowdhary, Waleed Basyouni and Abdur-Raheem Green (and others) in a 2009 conference (two years after the Sufi pledge). Two of them put their names to the Sufi pledge of 2007. This is almost two years after the pledge was refuted and annihilated. We did not see those who currenty spreading the warning of Shaykh Wasiullah against the MJAH-GLM conference of 6th-8th September 2013 and his tabdee' of Tawfique Chowdhary make any moves here. No, instead they were using Shaykh Wasiullah to malign and attack Maktabah Salafiyyah and its callers. Contradiction and hypocrisy. Notice how also in this current turmoil at MJAH-GLM, Abu Usamah Khaleefah is largely shielded from any type of criticism. No verdicts (to date) have been elicited with respect to him. Why? Because he is a staunch hater, an instrumental player in the hate, propaganda and psychological warfare against those who value and implement the Salafi manhaj in speech and action. He has been of great practical value to them and may continue to be no matter what the outcome of the current turmoil. Hence, even though factions amongst them have been polarized, all of them recognize the value this man provides them in the war against Maktabah Salafiyyah.

Specimen: A conference at MJAH-GLM only one year ago in September 2012 where Abu Usamah Khaleefah (Imaam of GLM) is participating in a conference where Waleed Basyouni, (an Ikhwani, upon the path of Ali al-Timimi) was also invited to attend. No sign of any rejection from those people who are now kicking up a fuss and using Shaykh Wasiullah to warn from MJAH-GLM's conference (of September 2013) where Tawfique Chowdhary (who also put his name to that Sufi pledge of mutual understanding and cooperation) is in attendance.

Specimen: Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni (Madeenah.Con) lecturing alongside Zakaullah Saleem, Imaam of MJAH-GLM, in 2007. Indicating further connection between Leicester Ahl al-Hadeeth, Madeenah.Con and MJAH-GLM. Keep in mind all these connections exist whilst all these parties were spreading the attacks of Shaykh Wasiullah against Maktabah Salafiyyah and at the same time that MJAH-GLM were inviting Tawfique Chowdhary, Yasir Qadhi, Muhammad alShareef (and others) for conferences, lectures and khutbahs. No concern for manhaj by these people at that time. No, they were only interested in destroying Maktabah Salafiyyah.

Specimen: An article posted on Madeenah.Con, translated by Abdur-Raoof Muhammad (see here) which was Shaykh Wasiullah's unfounded attacks upon Abu Khadeejah. This statement from the Shaykh was engineered by the same crowd who are now using the speech of Shaykh Wasiullah to warn from MJAH-GLM and its conference of 6th-8th September 2013. However, when they were challenged on this issue, and Shaykh Ahmad al-Subay'ee (Kuwait) demanded them to provide evidence for the slanders for whose propagation Shaykh Wasiullah was made to be the vehicle (for the mischief-makers), they (Madeenah.Con) were forced to withdraw this article, and then they put up a clarification which contains much talbees (deception) in that they hid the true and real reason why they were forced to remove it (specimen). It was because a demand was made for them by Shaykh Ahmad to provide specific evidence to back up Shaykh Wasiullah's claims, and they could not. So instead they put up a clarification with their claim that the article was misunderstood and being used wrongly in order to "create a scandal" and "after consulting with Shaykhs in Madinah" they decided to remove the article - when the reality was that had Shaykh Ahmad al-Subay'ee not put them in the corner they would never have taken the article down. Instead to conceal what had been taking place behind the scenes, they made it look as if through consultation with Shaykhs in Madinah (without naming a single one of them) they decided to take the article down. Nadir Ahmed (Madeenah.Con) was the key person involved in this incident and the deceptions involved therein. This was a case of engineered lying and Machiavellian conniving. Shaykh Ahmad Subay'ee spoke to Nadir directly on the phone, and whilst he promised to provide evidence, the liar was unable to because (فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه), "one who does not possess something cannot give it."

Specimen: Ahsan Haneef (MJAH-GLM committee insider) lecturing along with Salah al-Saawee (Qutbi, Takfiri, Surooree), Jamal Badawai (Aqlaaniyy, Ash'ari) and Muhammad alShareef (al-Maghrib) in the year 2009. No movements made against him for this by those who are currently spreading the warning by Shayk Wasiullah against the 6th-8th September conference of MJAH-GLM and spreading Shaykh Wasiullah's tabdee' of Tawfique Chowdhary (because he cooperates with Sufis, Ash'aris). The reason is because at the same time they were too busy trying to destroy Maktabah Salafiyyah, using Shaykh Wasiullah for that end, while Maktabah Salafiyyah had been warning against MJAH-GLM because they were inviting, promoting and cooperating with deviants such as Muhammad alShareef, Yasir Qadhi, Tawfique Chowdhary and others.

Specimen: A lecture tour in August 2007 with Shaykh Wasiullah organized by MJAH-GLM, this is just a couple of months after Yasir Qadhi and Tawfique Chowdhary lectured at MJAH-GLM (see above for proof). The tour also includes Leicester (Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni of Madeenah.Con) and Luton who are Abdul-Qadir and associates (followers of the Innovator, Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee).

Specimen, Specimen: Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury who is the Madeenah.Con architect is lecturing with Abu Usamah Khaleefah (July 2013), indicating the connection between Madeenah.Con and MJAH-GLM Imaam and speaker, Abu Usamah. This falsifies the attempt (only yesterday) by Madeenah.Con to distance themselves from MJAH-GLM (these are the blatant lies of insincere politicians). They are telling blatant lies despite the fact that their support of MJAH-GLM from 2005 onwards is mutawaatir. Their deception is that they try to deflect criticism from Madeenah.Con because the one who sends out promotionals is Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury (Fatwa-Online, FOL) through his email lists and on this basis they try to distinguish between FOL and Madeenah.Con. However, names do not mean anything. It's not the domain name or website that is sending out the articles and emails in support of MJAH-GLM (and attacks upon Maktabah Salafiyyah) - as that is impossible. It is a person. It is the people running the show on the basis of which we make connections. Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury is the owner of Madeenah.Con and he set that operation up. So Madeenah.Con has been supporting the MJAH-GLM complex. The aim being to destroy Maktabah Salafiyyah so that when they return back to this country, the only network remaining is the Ikhwani, Tamyee'ee network of MJAH-GML within whose framework they can continue their own da'wah - because their hearts are alike.


07-09-2013 Specimen: Abu Usamah Khaleefah has a video out on the tube, "A Personal Invitation to the Summer Conference" This is after the GLM rebel group used Shaykh Wasiullah to warn the common-folk from attending the conference at all. But Abu Usamah Khaleefah has been cooperating with Tawfique Chaudhury and al-Maghrib speakers both before and after 2007, the year of the pledge (specimen (2004), specimen (2009)). This shows that Tawfique Chaudhury or Walid Basyouni having made agreements with Sufis means little to him. So why should he turn around now? But no hujoom (assault, attack), no revilement and no blog and forum posts against Abu Usamah Khaleefah. No, that activity is only reserved for Maktabah Salafiyyah, because Maktabah Salafiyyah have been warning against Suhaib Hasan for the very same for which Tawfique Chaudhury (and the conference) are now being warned against, and they've being doing that for at least 13 years.

08-09-2013 Specimen: The conference warned against by Shaykh Wasiullah (because of Tawfique Chaudhury attending, whom Shaykh Wasiullah made tabdee' of because he put his name to a pledge of mutual understanding with Sufis, Ash'aris) has kicked off this weekend. In the specimen we see Abdul-Hadi Omari (the ameer of Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth) sat next to the "innovator" Tawfique Chaudhury. He is second from the right, with Tawfique Chaudhury on the far right. Looks like the heads of Ahl al-Hadeeth in the UK are not quite maintaining the standard expected of them. But what else can you expect when Abdul-Hadi Omari has in the past praised Ahmad Reza Barelwi stating, "Also, Ahmad Reza Khan from the Brelwee school of thought, who was a great scholar of the religion who has written many books" and you have the most senior and elder of them, Suhaib Hasan sitting next to one who openly calls to saint-worship, seeking istighaathah from the dead and denial of the uluww of Allaah the Exalted (specimen, specimen). That's Suhaib Hasan sat next to "Mufti" Muhammad bin Adam al-Kawthari who gives fatwas inviting the masses to shirk with Allaah, the Exalted. And this type of manhaj in da'wah is known from Suhaib Hasan since the 1990s, and his support and protection of al-Ikhwan is a matter known. It looks like Shaykh Wasiullah's request for Ahl al-Hadeeth to take the initiative to put things right at this conference is in vain and will fall on deaf ears. This is because the heads of Ahl al-Hadeeth (who have been vigorously defended against valid criticisms brought against them by Maktabah Salafiyyah since the late 1990s) are upon the very same manhaj for which tabdee' of Tawfique Chaudhury has been elicited from Shaykh Wasiullah by a certain faction. Except that Abdul-Hadi Omari and Suhaib Hasan haven't put their name on paper to make it official whereas Tawfique Chaudhury has - but in all honesty, you cant say Tawfique Chaudhury sits right next to saint-worshippers who call to their shirk (unless you have evidence, then send it to us). In short, Shaykh Wasiullah has been used by a rebel group within the MJAH-GLM network to help mobilize their agenda against the current administration and their drawing the Shaykh into this matter has opened a can of worms. Realities have started to flood out and are penetrating minds that were previously not penetrable.

08-09-2013 Specimen, Specimen: It is brought to our attention that Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni sent out a short communication on 3rd September (28th Shawwaal) in order to strengthen and emphasize the previous warning by Shaykh Wasiullah. It comprises a summary of a discussion with a shaykh from Pakistan who affirms and supports the warning by Shaykh Wasiullah against the current MJAH-GLM conference. Zulfiker Ibrahim was involved with the Madeenah.Con group from 2005 onwards. He was part of a group responsible for attempts in 2005 to clean up the image of MJAH-GLM by presenting a certain positive picture of MJAH-GLM in Madeenah (to one of the Mashayikh) and these tactics were part of the overall agenda of Madeenah.Con to elicit negative speech against Maktabah Salafiyyah whilst shielding MJAH-GLM from criticism. In this specimen we see an example of Zulfiker Ibrahim being marketed as "Guard of the Prophet's Grave." We have never known any of the people of knowledge, students or even others who have made it a point to deliberately make themselves known with such a title - this is the type of promotional you expect from Sufis. In any case, Zulfiker Ibrahim sent out this communication to emphasize Shaykh Wasiullah's warning against the conference because Tawfique Chowdhary is present. The irony here is that the likes of Zulfiker Ibraham al-Memoni (within the Madeenah.Con network) were shielding MJAH-GLM on the one hand and on the other, waging a cowardly stealth war against Maktabah Salafiyyah during the time that they (Maktabah Salafiyyah) were (consistently and uniformly) speaking against Suhaib Hasan for the likes of this: (specimen, specimen, specimen, specimen, specimen). And also during the very time that Yasir Qadhi, Muhammad alShareef and Tawfique Chowdhary were being invited to MJAH-GLM. Today they are using Shaykh Wasiullah to make tabdee' upon Tawfique Chowdhary and warn from the MJAH-GLM conference he is attending and yesteryear(s) they were using Shaykh Wasiullah to destroy Maktabah Salafiyyah because they (Maktabah Salafiyyah) were warning against Suhaib Hasan (for cooperating with Sufis, Ash'aris, grave-worshippers, and his very apparent broad Ikhwani manhaj) and warning from MJAH-GLM for inviting the likes of Yasir Qadhi, Tawfique Chowdhary and others on to their platform. All praise is due to Allaah who has exposed the hypocritical behaviour of these people from the UK in their da'wah and their dealings in broad daylight.

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