Tahir Wyatt, Shadeed Muhammad and the 'Nation of Islam': Part 4
Filed under: Da'wah Wednesday, July 30 2014 - by Manhaj.Com Key topics: Tahir Wyatt Shadeed Muhammad Nation Of Islam |
Tahir Wyatt and Calling to Allaah with Wisdom
As a means of justifying his misguided and misjudged action, Tahir Wyatt cited numerous verses and thought that their generality of meaning would lend support to the specificity of his action, and through this he could present the picture of a sincere man just wanting to give da'wah to others whilst ignoring that sincerity alone does not count unless action is in accordance with the methodologies of Islaam and that includes affairs of da'wah, since da'wah is done upon baseerah, "Say this is my path, I call unto Allaah upon insight, I and whoever follows me..." (12:108). From the verses Tahir Wyatt cited was the famous verse in al-Nahl that lays down the methodology of da'wah: "Call to the ways of your Lord through wisdom, fine admonition and argue with them in ways that are best" (16:125). Let us take a look at this verse and its essential meaning in brief to give us a framework and criterion to see if Tahir Wyatt acts in accordance with the very texts he tries to use to legalize his misguided and misjudged behaviour.
The Salaf past and present explain the meaning of wisdom (hikmah): Mujahid (rahimahullaah) said "Being accurate, correct (isaabah) in speech" and Ibn Mas'ud (radiyallaahu anhu) said, "It is the Book and understanding (fahm)". It has also been said, "the Sunnah" and also "intellect (aql)" Refer to Tafseer Ibn Katheer. Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim said, (فعل ما ينبغي على الوجه الذي ينبغي في الوقت الذي ينبغي), "Doing what is desirable in the manner that is desirable at the appropriate time it is desirable." (al-Madaarij 2/449). Imaam Abd al-Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said, "The intent behind it is: (الأدلة المعتبرة الواضحة الكاشفة الداحضة للباطل), "Accepted (considered and credible), clear, revealing evidences that refute falsehood." (Fadl al-Da'wah, p. 22, through Usas Manhaj al-Salaf of Fawwaz al-Sihhimi, p. 138)
And this is how the Scholars explain "fine admonition" (al-maw'idhah al-hasanah), Imaam al-Sa'dee (rahimahullah) said, "From those who are called is the ignorant one who does not know the truth, this one, as has preceded, is called with wisdom, and this is explaining the truth to him from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, explaining that to him. As for the one who knows the truth, it being clear to him, but he leaves acting upon it due to a type of neglect that has affected him, then his right is that he is admonished and reminded with (mention of) reward and punishment, so that his heart is softened to acting by the truth and persisting upon it." (Refer to Tafseer al-Sa'dee).
And as for "good argumentation" (al-mujaadalah al-hasanah), Imaam Ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) said, "And if he has a doubt you argue with him with what is best, do not be severe upon him, rather enlighten him, do not be hasty and do not be rough, but strive in unveiling the doubt and making the evidences clear with a good approach." (Fadl al-Islaam, p. 23, through Usas Manhaj al-Salaf of Fawwaz al-Sihhimi, p. 146).
Our intent here is to be brief and just to present the essence of what is meant by these verses that Tahir Wyatt is citing as a means to defend his misguided action. A person can refer to the speech of the Mufassireen and many other Scholars to find similar elaborations on the methodology of da'wah.
In his 12 page PDF, Tahir Wyatt attempts to portray that he addressed the creed of the Nation of Islam, intending by that to exonerate his participation. This is alongside his expression of doubt as to whether he managed to clarify Islam or not - something we covered in Part 2. We also pointed out what was astounding in that in the same breath he cast doubt on his effort to explain Islam, he asked others for "ideas" and "strategies" as to how to give da'wah to these people, and that's coming from a PhD candidate in aqidah. Since the general theme of his 12 page PDF is to defend his action and declare it legal and justified in light of the verses he cited, let us evaluate what he claims to have done of addressing the creed of the "Nation of Islam" in light of the verses he has attempted to use to justify his action:
01. So the first stage or element in da'wah is wisdom (hikmah), which is being accurate and exact in speech, using intellect, having understanding, using clear plain evidences that invalidate falsehood as has preceded from the Companions, Successors and Scholars. In his 12 page PDF rebuttal, Tahir Wyatt points out his statement in the Radio show lecture, "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His slave and FINAL messenger" and by this he tries to portray that he "addressed the creed of the Nation" to absolve himself of blame.
Let us listen and read the speech of Louis Farrakhan, which was made at the end of Ramadan, on Eed, days after Tahir Wyatt's talk on day 19 of Ramadan: (MP3), "Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil-Aalameen. I bear witness that there is no God but Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger. I thank Allaah from the depths of my soul for His merciful intervention in our affairs in the person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom praise is due to forever. For were it not for his coming, were it not for his visit amongst us and his love for us and his search among us for one who would carry a weighty word that would bring us onto a path, an evolutionary path of growth and development..." And then a little further in the same lecture he says (MP3): "...doing what I can to do my part, to say how I thankful I am to Allaah for the blessing of this book, Qur'an, for the blessing of Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullaah through whom this magnificent book was revealed for the whole of the human family. I am so grateful to Allaah for each and every one of you Imaams and our beloved sisters who spoke during this month..."
02. Know that this Baatinee kaafir and his likes have simply used Islam as a veil and vehicle to push their doctrines which are nothing but pure kufr. Just like the Baatinees of old, they looked at Islaam and found that Shi'ism would be a nice vehicle for the kufr that they were already upon and considered to be the truth, exclusive to what was brought by the Messengers. So they took Shi'ism as an outward, apparent face to show love of Ahl al-Bayt in order to approach the people of Islam, and through this they deceived and misguided hordes. What they really believed were philosophical doctrines, belief in the eternity of the universe and rejection of Angels, rejection of (bodily) resurrection, and rejection of Messengership and so they tried to merge these doctrines with the Islamic texts and use Islam and its Book as a means through which to push their kufr amongst the Muslims.
Likewise the Nation of Islam, the attachment of their leaders to Islam and the Qur'an is just a vehicle for them (as is their attachment to the Bible) for the promotion of their core doctrines which centre around divinity for the black-man and the black man being the chosen will of God and that aeons ago black men created civilization on this Earth. However, since they have come under scrutiny in recent decades, they have made great the deception and have tried to make it appear as if they have moved into mainstream, orthodox Islam so as to deflect the scorn and rejection upon them. In this way, they have managed to hoodwink and deceive many into accommodating them (Siraj Wahhaaj for example) and in this way they have achieved greater recognition and legitimacy in the eyes of orthodox Muslims than before, this being their goal. They seek out naive, uninformed so-called "Scholars" who are happy to accommodate them and laud them (Siraj Wahhaaj) or they entice those seeking audiences for themselves, thinking that in the platforms and pedestals presented to them, they will be able to direct people to themselves (people like Shadeed Muhammad and Tahir Wyatt) - when in reality they are being used and in the end will count as nothing but used scraps.
This is the stark reality of the "Nation of Islam." Many are deceived by them because of this apparent attachment to Islam. Then, along come the people of tamyee', and in their ignorance and naivety think that a casual mention of the final Messenger Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) to an audience of these people is from hikmah (wisdom) in da'wah and amounts to addressing the creed of the Nation and amounts to an explanation of Islam to them. This is like addressing the Christians and saying "No one deserves worship but God alone" and they will say, "Yes, we agree" because they believe that is what they are doing, or addressing the Ash'ariyyah by saying "We believe Allaah is above the creation" with one's knowledge that they do not reject this, because they believe He is above the creation in power and rank and they will understand and take your speech upon their doctrine. And likewise, when you say to the same people, "the Qur'an is Allaah's speech, uncreated" then they will not reject and deny this, they will accept it wholeheartedly, because there is nothing in this speech which brings separation between what they believe (kalaam nafsee is uncreated) and what this statement indicates of the truth.
So when this is the case with those who are Muslims and they have fallen into errors due to faulty interpretation, then what about those who are like the Qaraamitah Baatiniyyah that use Islam as a veil to conceal doctrines of pure kufr and who have ta'weels to explain away the apparent statements of creed known and believed by the Muslims at large? When it is from wisdom in da'wah to speak to the Ash'arites with statements of detail and absolute clarity that leave no room for them to misunderstand correctly formulated statements of belief then how much more so with the people of Qarmatah, Baatiniyyah and Kufr?
03. These people would not hesitate to say outwardly that "Muhammad is the final Messenger," since they are like the Qaraamitah Baatiniyyah to whom outward affirmations always have inward, hidden interpretations. They will outwardly agree and say these things to their followers, but then propagate their conflicting doctrines to their inner circles or in rare public moments. To them, it is acceptable to say "Muhammad ibn Abdullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is the final Messenger of Allaah" and that would not necessarily conflict with their belief that Allaah came in person in order to find one who would bring to life His chosen ones and so that "He could meet with Muhammad for a second time and reveal what He revealed" - as we find in the writings of Elijah Muhammad's wife, Tynetta Muhammad (see here, as published on the official Nation of Islam website). The intent here is that wisdom (hikmah) in da'wah requires knowledge of who you are calling to, what they are upon, and calling them in a way to make the truth clear from falsehood so that their followers can see the path of guidance from the path of falsehood. This is the way of the Qur'an, the Sunnah and is the methodology followed by the Salaf. In the Qur'an, Allaah calls to the worship of Him alone and declares, at the same time, those who worship Jesus as disbelievers, and states that those who say Allaah is one of three are disbelievers. It is not just affirmation of Tawheed but invalidation of shirk and kufr, and without them both, the message is not complete and da'wah has not been truly established and given. These are most elementary matters. Thus, despite Tahir saying that he was "assured that there were no restrictions on what I could say", and acknowledging this was one opportunity that may not come again, it is not from baseerah (12:108) and nor from hikmah (16:125) that you leave thousands of these people without spelling out for them the kufr that they are being led to believe. All of this can quite easily be done, with wisdom, in ten minutes or less and we gave a short sample kalimah in Part 2 which could be supported with relevant verses and your job would be done in pretty much less than 10 minutes:
The Meaning of Laa ilaaha ilallaah is that none has the right to be worshipped in truth but Allaah alone. Whoever believes that any from the creation, such as what the Christians believe, that Jesus was God, or like what the Agha Khanis believe, in divine manifestations of Allaah upon this earth, or any other similar belief this is shirk and kufr and renders a person to an inhabitant of Hellfire, a true and real created entity with physical punishment. And the meaning of Muhammad Rasoolullaah is that Muhammad ibn Abdullaah, from Banu Hashim from the lineage of Ismaa'eel is the last and final Messenger of Allaah sent to mankind. There is no prophet or messenger after him. Whoever believes that any one thereafter receives revelation or is a Messenger sent by God, such as what the Qadiyanis believe about Ghulam Ahmad, or the Bahaa'is about Bahaa'ullaah, is a disbeliever, an inhabitant of the Fire. The Messenger Muhammad brought the final, complete message of Tawhid and the perfected Sharee'ah. Salvation is through obedience to Him, which is obedience to Allaah, the Most High. This is the statement and its meaning by which a person enters into Islam and whoever does not affirm it with this meaning, his Islam is not valid. Thereafter, the greatest obligations are prayer, and then fasting and then zakah and then the pilgrimage when one has the means. Whoever brings this Islam and dies upon it, man or woman, black, red or white [there being no virtue of one over the other except in piety], will enter Paradise, a true and real created entity which is other than this Earth and whose reward is physical and eternal.The point so far: If this sample kalimah is what you had accomplished by your participation in the Radio show, then that would be another matter and you would have greater grounds to defend yourself. But don't try to misuse the verses of the Qur'an, ignore their scholarly explanations (what is actual baseerah, what is actual hikmah) and think that you can hoodwink your audience into accepting the legality of your blunder and your weakness in conveying the Tawhid of the Messengers and Finality of Messengership such that it made not a shred of difference when only days later, Farrakhan came on the same Radio show again to seal the series and spread his kufr, blatantly and plainly (see quote above) and all those thousands who were listening would not have known any better because someone, (Tahir), despite stating he was assured he could say anything he wanted, did not do the job properly and failed to explain Islam adequately in relation to the audience's needs, something which he almost admits himself in his PDF, casting doubt upon himself and asking others for "ideas" and "strategies" [as a PhD student in aqidah]. Instead of this arrogance, this pride, this protection of one's assumed status, distortion of material facts, and misuse of texts and verdicts, just show some humility and admit you were used by the Nation for their tactical benefit and make the relevant amends. Don't make great the lie and pretend that you used "wisdom" when it was nothing of the sort and then use the speech of Allah, the Exalted, to exonerate yourself when that speech indicates and requires the very opposite of what you actually did. This is talaa'ub (playing around). And do not for one moment think that we are pleased and happy and gloat over this, by Allaah never! It is sad and very dismaying to see the people of kufr manage to pull the wool over the eyes of anyone ascribing to the Sunnah. However, it is a duty upon us to warn from the actions of those alleging to follow the Salafi methodology and who vainly try to justify their misguided and misjudged actions by playing with texts and verdicts.
04. Also from the verses cited by Tahir Wyatt is the verse in Aali Imraan (3:187) which indicates the obligation of not concealing what is in the scripture and explaining it to the people. Tahir Wyatt wrote:
His use of this verse is along the lines that one must not conceal the truth one knows and hide knowledge from the people, and that this is another consideration (alongside the verse regarding the blind man in Abasa 80:1) that led him to participate with those people in their Radio show.
The reality is that Tahir Wyatt did not abide by this verse either, since he did not fulfil what it requires. He has simply used the verse to justify his participation. That is quite different to actually abiding by the verse in practice. What he concealed from them is more than what he informed them of. In fact, he only informed them with what they would not really object to in reality. It is like going to a Christian and saying "Worship Allaah alone" and sufficing with that. They will say, "We do" because they believe all three are one entity which they worship, so they are only worshipping Allaah. So in a similar way, casually mentioning the final Messenger Muhammad without spelling out the kufr of claims contrary to it or alluding to Paradise without spelling it out that it is not on this Earth but a separate created entity and physically real and so on - so unless you do this, then you have concealed the scripture and not explained it and you have not used wisdom. You have not abided by the verse despite trying to use it to exonerate your misguided and misjudged act of participation with these people under dubious circumstances.
Imaam al-Sa'dee (rahimahullaah) said in explanation of this verse:
The meethaaq is a firm, heavy covenant, and this meethaaq was taken by Allaah, the Exalted, from everyone to whom Allaah gave books and taught knowledge, that he should explain to the people what they are in need of from what Allaah taught him, and not to conceal that and be miserly towards them in regarding it, especially when they ask him, or something occurs which requires that. For it is obligatory upon every one who has knowledge in that situation to explain it and make clear the truth from falsehood.These words are very appropriate and relevant. Tahir Wyatt was miserly, despite being assured there were no restrictions on what he could say. The situation required clarity and it was obligatory upon him to make clear the truth from falsehood. At the end of it, the Nation were pleased with the outcome, and days later, Farrakhan preached his kufr to the same audience of thousands, who had not been told eemaan from kufr.
05. In short, what we have highlighted here is that Tahir Wyatt has tried to play with the audience and thought that compiling a series of verses that relate to da'wah will help exonerate himself and legalize his misguided and misjudged (and incorrectly performed) action, despite the fact that he did not actually abide by the practical requirements of those very same verses he is trying to use to shield himself. As for the Salafis they return back to the Salaf, the Companions, the Taabi'een, the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah who proceed upon baseerah and hikmah, they understand what the speech of Allaah and His Messenger requires from them and they proceed upon precision, baseerah and ensure that at all times, they are acting in a way to protect, not just the people of Tawhid and Sunnah but the people of Islaam in general, from the snares and agendas of other than them. For that reason, you see in their actions, caution, care, deliberation and abiding by the practical requirements demanded by these verses. And from this, you should start to appreciate the harm that the people of tamyee' bring upon the People of the Sunnah first and foremost, but as we have seen in this incident, this harm can extend even further when these people enter the arena of da'wah with distorted understanding of hikmah (wisdom).
06. The Nation of Islam did not understand Tahir's participation as "giving them da'wah", they saw it as "unity and cooperation" and this was the whole point of the entire exercise. This indicates that Tahir brought no "wisdom" and he did not "make clear the Scripture and not conceal it." Until now Tahir Wyatt does not have the intellect to grasp this, nor the humility to acknowledge this. And should he continue in his vain attempts to defend himself it will only reveal the corruption that he is upon to the people at large, and likewise, the bigotry and fanaticism of those who are running to his defence.
Finally, Tahir, please do name us this middle-aged man from Maryland - because a lot hinges on this, and this will reveal the extent of your truthfulness in what you wrote. If it was Jaleel, one of the hosts - and this is the one you are referring as the "Salafi" who approached you - and he praises Farrakhan in the way that he does as we have indicated in Part 3 (with audios) - then this raises some further questions (about how truthful and transparent you have been) which need to be answered.
Abu Iyaad 3rd Shawwaal 1435H / 31st July 2014.
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