Has Abdur-Raoof Muhammad (Madeenah.Con) Been Outed by Associates As Cowardly, Two-Faced Hypocritical Slanderer of Muslims and their Scholars?
Filed under: General Thursday, September 05 2013 - by Manhaj.Com Key topics: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad ![]() ![]() |
Abdur-Raoof Muhammad and Madeenah.Con
Madeenah.Con was part of a sophisticated operation involving a network of collaborators including Tahir Wyatt, Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury, Nadir Ahmad, Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni and others. Their aim was to counter the da'wah of Maktabah Salafiyyah and replace it with a tamyee'ee da'wah founded upon the innovated principles of Abu al-Hasan al-Ma'ribee (even if they may distance themselves from the name). Abdur-Raoof Muhammad was part of this network. This agenda failed miserably when the Shaykhs they tried to involve became wise to them and finally exposed them as "liars" and "mischief-makers."In this screenshot (click here to enlarge) you can see a list of their main translators from 2007:
You can see Abdur-Raoof Muhammad's name right at the top of the list. The others are: Tahir Wyatt, Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury, Nadir Ahmad, Shadeed Muhammad, Zulfiker Ibrahim al-Memoni, Ismaa'eel bin Yusuf, Farhan Safdar, Mu'awiyah Tucker.
Today (6th September 2013), we see Abdur-Raoof Muhammad in the list of authors (on the authors page) and articles written by him can still be found on the website.
Note: It has been claimed that Madeenah.Con has had no connection with Abdur-Raoof Muhammad since 2008. This is incorrect as Muhammad Akhtar Chaudhury of Madeenah.Con was mass distributing a document that Abdur-Raoof was involved with (as a means to defend Suhaib Hasan and Markaz Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth) in 2009. And further, if differences developed between them, it does not mean they are not united upon the same manhaj they had been sharing for years before.
In December 2004, Abdur-Raoof Muhammad was a signatory to a document entitled, "A Call to the Unification of the Western Students upon the Sunnah." Below is a screenshot (click to enlarge) of the signatures at the bottom.
Achieving the issuing of this document was one of the main building blocks of their agenda at the very beginning when they started to work on some of the Shaykhs (some of whom became wise to them and subsequently refuted them). Whilst the document appears to indicate good and lofty intentions, the later activities of some of these signatories from 2005 onwards made clear they were not sincere but had certain agendas in mind. In this document that Abdur-Raoof Muhammad signed, we see the following:
...And in adherence to the statement of the Messenger of Allah Sallahu Alahi Wasallam where he states:
"Do not envy one another, do not increase prices one to another (by bidding for something that you do not intend to buy), do not hate one another and do not turn away from one another?. and be, O slaves of Allah, brothers. A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he neither oppresses him nor does he disgrace him, he neither lies to him nor does he hold him in contempt... the whole of a Muslim for another Muslim is Haraam (inviolable and forbidden), his blood, his property and his honour. (Related by Muslim from the hadith of Abu Huraira).
So we call upon all the brothers to be truthful, sincere and to respond to the advice of the people of knowledge and virtue and that they should strive towards uniting the ranks of the students and abandoning splitting and differing. Whether that be in Madinah or in their own countries and that they should co-operate with one another upon righteousness and piety and to free themselves from the partisanship of the days of jahiliyyah and from those who pretend to direct the people towards unity and co-operation, whilst in reality their affair is in opposition to that.
However this does not mean that we do not refute errors that are made, rather we refute the error of an individual (whomsoever it may be) be it in statement or in action, whilst at the same time preserving the honour of Ahlus-Sunnah and their manzilah. By this, we will avoid the two extremes, the extreme of exaggeration and the extreme of compromising and falling short.
It all sounded very good. The Abdur-Raoof that signed this document appears as Abdur-Raoof Jekyll, and this side of his personality continues to appear again and again, in personal interactions and on forums (under pseudonyms that is). He continues to maintain this personality, the personality of love, unity, "rifqan" (gentleness), poppies, roses and daffodils.
Abdur-Raoof Muhammad's Implementation of This Advice
Unfortunately, it appeared that Abdur-Raoof took some sort of serum or potion that made him undergo a transformation. This is where we see the evil personality of Abdur-Raoof Hyde manifest in his person. Very recently, a number of his acquaintances and associates have deliberately gone out of their way to out Abdur-Raoof Muhammad as the owner of a particular account on the amwaat.morg forum (where all of them gather together for feasts of flesh in the name of warning from the "Ghulaat"). The reason for this is the differing and controversy they have found themselves in after criticisms have been distributed against the Green Lane Mosque (formerly known as Markaz Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth). One party has been polarized against the other and cannibalism has become the mode of survival. Surveying all of the past posts of Abdur-Raoof Muhammad, we find the most vile, disgusting, slanderous, evil statements, accusations, plenty of filthy language, the majority of which is expressed through statements of rage, anger and resentment. "Hypocrites," "dogs," "shayaateen," "blind-followers" he vents out ... we do not wish to repeat all the filth nor even document it, as that is meaningless at this point. Much of his speech also comprises attacks upon certain Shaykhs like Shaykh Ubayd, Shaykh Rabee and others and some of it constitutes very personal and grave slander against specific brothers from Maktabah Salafiyyah.
(Update: 08/09/2013) Due to Abdul-Raoof putting out a deceptive 'clarification' today (see end of article) we have included the information below (keeping in mind that despite the opportunity in this clarification, Abdur-Raoof has not denied that his associates who have linked him to the account are lying upon him):
Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad attacks Shaykhs Rabee, Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Ubayd by accusing them of slander and oppression and he states (mockingly) "Ibnu Haadi has certainly been put in place." Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad posts a response from the Haddaadis to Shaykh Rabee. He has taken the side of the Haddaadiyyah, Yahya al-Hajuri and followers, and has been promoting their refutations and responses to Shaykh Rabee' (and to the Shaykhs in Madinah). Proof: Attacks upon the Shaykhs of Madinah, he says, "Shame on Ubaid, shame on Ibnu Hadi, shame on Bukhari, shame on Falaah and sadly shame on Shaykh Rabee." Proof: His attack on Shaykh Rabee saying, "I personally do not trust Shaykh Rabee' anymore. He has now become an untrustworthy scholar, surrounded by the corrupt and ignorant!" Note that these are the same accusations that have been thrown for close to twenty years. Every time a deviant amongst those who deviate is exposed for his deviation, these types of accusations surface. Proof: He belittles Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree, saying, "It exposes the true level of 'Allaamah Ubaid.' And how badly to the Salafees in the West need to KNOW the 'Allaama's true level?!." Proof: He writes, "The refutation of Dr ruhaylee on Allaamah Ubaid also needs to come out! The Salafees in the East need to know the ignorance and oppression of Allaamah Ubaid." Note that Shayh Rabee wrote an entire book showing the errors of Ibrahim al-ruhaylee. Proof: In this post he attacks Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari by promoting the refutations of the Haddaadiyah in Yemen (followers of al-Hajuri), he says, "Now it's Abdullah al-Bukharee's turn to join in with the LIES, FABRICATIONS AND DECEPTION!" Note that this is in a thread which has been titled, "28 Deviations of Ubayd al-Jabiree" and the posters are relying upon the writings of the Haddaadiyyah of Yemen who have been refuted and exposed, along with their leader, Yahya al-Hajuri, by Shaykh Rabee, all the Shaykhs of Yemen, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, Shaykh Ubayd and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari. Proof: Attacks upon Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, wherein this post he writes, "Ibnu Haadee is known to be a cowardly slanderer, backbiter and tale carrier!." Proof: He replies to a post maligning Shaykh Rabee and adds his own insults, claiming that the Shaykh spreads lies against Yahya al-Hajuri and is responsible for splitting and so on. Proof: In this post he ridicules a statement by Shaykh Rabee' in which the Shaykh was defending Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari from the attackes of the Haddaadiyyah. He actually repeats and age-old saying of the Takfiris and Qutbis that Shaykh Rabee spoke ill of Shaykh Ibn Baz. Then he describes Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee as "the coward" and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari as "the little jaahil" and Shaykh Ubayd as "the unknown." Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad calls Abu Sufyaan "Mad Dog McDowell", and addresses him "...so stop barking!." Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad describes the Salafi Masjid as being "established upon nifaaq and division" and is a "Masjid Diraar" and then he cites the Qur'anic verses (9:107-108) and exegesis from al-Jalalayn that relates to the hypocrites who set up another masjid due to their nifaq and desire for division. Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad writes, "Abu Khadeejah has all the sifaat of the munaafiqeen and the khawaarij." Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad accuses Abu Khadeejah of being an agent of the Kuffar, having all the characteristics of a munaafiq and of being an agent and worker of kuffaar agencies. Proof: Abdul-Raoof referring to the "SP Ghulaat dogs." Proof: He makes accusations against the brothers that they are "sex tourists" and are involved in "sex tourism" (when they travel for da'wah) and then he swears by Allaah, "By Allaah these Shayaateen are worse than the Saudi kids who go over to Dubai every weekend." So he swore by Allaah upon this, indicating the lack of the fear of Allaah in this individual. Proof: Here he states, "Its all about position, sex and money with Maktabah al-Dunyah!." Proof: And here again he refers to them as "sex tourists." Proof: In this post he refers to the "the Muqallid Devil (abu khadeejah sp)" and refers to a "satanic khutbah" and also says, "The Hizbiyyah of the Muqallid Devil is only getting worse" and then he addresses Abu Khadeejah boldly as "Yaa Munafiq!."
What is of importance is that Abdur-Raoof has been outed by his associates (for whatever personal agendas they may have) as the
mancoward behind the mask! And these insults and attacks are the vast fields of roses and poppies of "Rifqan Ahl al-Sunnah" that Abdur-Raoof - through the personality of Abdur-Raoof Hyde - is showering upon not just the brothers at Maktabah Salafiyyah, but also some of the Shaykhs of Madinah. Further, the evidence suggests that Abdur-Raoof Muhammad may have more than one account. Allaah knows best but the compiled evidence would have to be investigated, or perhaps he is sharing an account with other collaborators.What Happened?
It's simple. The activities this group put in motion right at the end of 2004 and the setting up of the Madeenah.Con network were aimed at countering the da'wah of Maktabah Salafiyyah and bolstering the da'wah of Markaz Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth. However, as the years went past from 2005 to 2008, their realities started to become clear to some of the Mashayikh. When matters were not going to plan, Abdur-Raoof Muhammad, because he had a predisposition in his personality, made his entry onto the amwaat.morg forum to play cyberbutch. From here, he was instrumental in spreading filth and evil against the callers from Maktabah Salafiyyah and it is not an exaggeration to say that the hatred, slanders, personal insults and grave accusations he was spreading, you will never, ever have seen this individual (or those who share with him in this activity) speaking in this way about sufis, grave-worshippers, takfiris, ikhwanis and others. Further, a lot of these evil slanders were then utilized by Ash'aris, Sufis and grave-worshippers and other enemies of the Salafi da'wah on their own forums. Look at how such hatred and rage leads these people to commit great evil which they are oblivious to. Dear reader, go to the Salafi forums. Do you find the mention of a single sin of any of the people that are criticised or refuted for opposing the Salafi creed or methodology? And we are speaking here of when the sin is verified and true. No and never! You do not find this methodology with the Salafis! This is because a man can be a sinner and a Salafi, just as the man called donkey used to drink in the time of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and despite that he had the obligatory eemaan, loving Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam). Just as a man can appear to be the most pious, god-fearing of people, yet he is an astray innovator (look at how the Messenger described the Kharijites). However, when these people could not find issues in aqidah and manhaj, they turned to alleged sins of the callers for whom they developed a sickening, mentally-deranged type of hatred, and began to propagate this to the world. We sincerely thank Allaah for not decreeing such vile actions upon us, what a serious burden this will be on Yawm al-Qiyaamah!
The Most Evil of Allaah's Creation
Al-Bukhari relates the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:
تجد من شر الناس يوم القيامة عند الله ذا الوجهين الذي يأتي هؤلاء بوجه وهؤلاء بوجه
You will find the most evil (worst) of people on the Day of Judgement with Allaah to be the one with two faces. The one who comes to one (party) with a face and to another (party) with another face.
Today Abdur-Raoof maintains this split-personality (looks like he has a constant supply of the potion unlike Mr Jekyll). On the one hand he is seen speaking of gentleness, softness, unity (with one face) and with another face (and online identity) we see thunderous displays of rage and anger. On Madeenah.Con we see articles of love, unity, "rifqan" and we can smell the roses, poppies and daffodils. And then on amwaat.morg we see chains, maces, smoke and the fiery hot iron smells of industrial rage... And Abdur-Raoof wakes up every morning and goes to sleep every night thinking this is normal. "I am not crazy. And neither am I..." he says to himself.
May Allaah cure this lost soul and guide him to that which will relieve him of his mental illness, Ameen.
Closing Advice That Equals A Thousand Words
Update: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad
Today (8th September 2013) Abdal-Raoof Muhammad sent out a clarification in relation to this article. Response: In his short clarification Abdul-Raoof Muhammad has not rebutted or denied the claim of his associates that he is the owner and user of that account on amwaat.morg and he has not rebutted his associates who have outed him. This would be the first thing that a person would do in any public clarification, and it is very glaringly absent.
From the things he wrote include:
Where in I have been accused of calling Salafee Scholars and Salafee students of knowledge : Hypocrites, Shaiyaateen and Dogs; Then I wish to make clear that I have not and do not say, write or use such vile language. I regard such an article as a personal attack based on slanderous accusations
He was not accused of calling Salafi scholars with such labels, but that these are examples of vile speech used in general and that much of the speech he has posted is directed towards the Shaykhs of Madinah. Further, in the mind of Abdul-Raoof he is likely thinking "Since I don't consider those deviants (from Maktabah Salafiyyah) to be students of knowledge in the first place then I can safely write 'I do not speak against Salafi students of knowledge' and make a firm denial without having told a lie from my perspective."
Let us start documenting the language found on amwaat.morg, the onus is upon Abdul-Raoof Muhammad to come out and declare his associates (who outed him as the owner of the account) as being liars. As he has not made any clear rejection that he is the user of that account, then it stands that the speech in the posts is acribed to him - and it is upon him to declare his associates as liars if he is innocent.
Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad attacks Shaykhs Rabee, Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Ubayd by accusing them of slander and oppression and he states (mockingly) "Ibnu Haadi has certainly been put in place." Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad posts a response from the Haddaadis to Shaykh Rabee. He has taken the side of the Haddaadiyyah, Yahya al-Hajuri and followers, and has been promoting their refutations and responses to Shaykh Rabee' (and to the Shaykhs in Madinah). Proof: Attacks upon the Shaykhs of Madinah, he says, "Shame on Ubaid, shame on Ibnu Hadi, shame on Bukhari, shame on Falaah and sadly shame on Shaykh Rabee." Proof: His attack on Shaykh Rabee saying, "I personally do not trust Shaykh Rabee' anymore. He has now become an untrustworthy scholar, surrounded by the corrupt and ignorant!" Note that these are the same accusations that have been thrown for close to twenty years. Every time a deviant amongst those who deviate is exposed for his deviation, these types of accusations surface. Proof: He belittles Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree, saying, "It exposes the true level of 'Allaamah Ubaid.' And how badly to the Salafees in the West need to KNOW the 'Allaama's true level?!." Proof: He writes, "The refutation of Dr ruhaylee on Allaamah Ubaid also needs to come out! The Salafees in the East need to know the ignorance and oppression of Allaamah Ubaid." Note that Shayh Rabee wrote an entire book showing the errors of Ibrahim al-ruhaylee. Proof: In this post he attacks Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari by promoting the refutations of the Haddaadiyah in Yemen (followers of al-Hajuri), he says, "Now it's Abdullah al-Bukharee's turn to join in with the LIES, FABRICATIONS AND DECEPTION!" Note that this is in a thread which has been titled, "28 Deviations of Ubayd al-Jabiree" and the posters are relying upon the writings of the Haddaadiyyah of Yemen who have been refuted and exposed, along with their leader, Yahya al-Hajuri, by Shaykh Rabee, all the Shaykhs of Yemen, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, Shaykh Ubayd and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari. Proof: Attacks upon Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee, wherein this post he writes, "Ibnu Haadee is known to be a cowardly slanderer, backbiter and tale carrier!." Proof: He replies to a post maligning Shaykh Rabee and adds his own insults, claiming that the Shaykh spreads lies against Yahya al-Hajuri and is responsible for splitting and so on. Proof: In this post he ridicules a statement by Shaykh Rabee' in which the Shaykh was defending Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari from the attackes of the Haddaadiyyah. He actually repeats and age-old saying of the Takfiris and Qutbis that Shaykh Rabee spoke ill of Shaykh Ibn Baz. Then he describes Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee as "the coward" and Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhari as "the little jaahil" and Shaykh Ubayd as "the unknown." Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad calls Abu Sufyaan "Mad Dog McDowell", and addresses him "...so stop barking!." Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad describes the Salafi Masjid as being "established upon nifaaq and division" and is a "Masjid Diraar" and then he cites the Qur'anic verses (9:107-108) and exegesis from al-Jalalayn that relates to the hypocrites who set up another masjid due to their nifaq and desire for division. Proof: Abdul-Raoof Muhammad writes, "Abu Khadeejah has all the sifaat of the munaafiqeen and the khawaarij." Proof: Abdur-Raoof Muhammad accuses Abu Khadeejah of being an agent of the Kuffar, having all the characteristics of a munaafiq and of being an agent and worker of kuffaar agencies. Proof: Abdul-Raoof referring to the "SP Ghulaat dogs." Proof: He makes accusations against the brothers that they are "sex tourists" and are involved in "sex tourism" (when they travel for da'wah) and then he swears by Allaah, "By Allaah these Shayaateen are worse than the Saudi kids who go over to Dubai every weekend." So he swore by Allaah upon this, indicating the lack of the fear of Allaah in this individual. Proof: Here he states, "Its all about position, sex and money with Maktabah al-Dunyah!." Proof: And here again he refers to them as "sex tourists." Proof: In this post he refers to the "the Muqallid Devil (abu khadeejah sp)" and refers to a "satanic khutbah" and also says, "The Hizbiyyah of the Muqallid Devil is only getting worse" and then he addresses Abu Khadeejah boldly as "Yaa Munafiq!."
Finally, it must be pointed out that Abdur-Raoof Muhammad has not declared his accusers on the amwaat.morg forum as liars despite having had the opportunity to do so (he issued a clarification on 8th September 2013).
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