In previous articles, Kamal al-Mekki - [a speaker for both al-Maghrib Institute and Green Lane Mosque] - and his open call for average, innocent, truth-loving Muslims to watch professional swindlers and shysters (such as Dynamo and Criss Angel) performing trickery on people [whilst being essentially worshipped for it through adoration, adulation, awe and amazement, as well as amassing wealth through it] was refuted and exposed as a call to evil on his behalf and a sign of the lack of veneration of the affairs of Tawhid and a sign of jahl (ignorance) of the maqaasid (intents, goals) of the Shari'ah and ignorance of the reality of the finality and perfection of the call of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) which came to protect the matter of Tawhid from all avenues and angles no matter how small or slight. Please refer to the following two articles for more detailed coverage:
On The Various Types Of Magic: Why it Enters Into Shirk, and a Warning Against Kamal al-Mekki's Enticement of Muslims to Watch The Tricks of The Magicians - (see here)
Refutation of Kamal al-Mekki of al-Maghrib Institute: His Attempt Distinguish Between The Meaning Entering Into the Term 'Magic' and and the Meaning of the Term 'Sorcery' - (see here)
Following the wholesale rejection of this by Muslims in whose heart there is veneration for the reality of the Tawhid of the Messengers and veneration of the Shariah legislative commands aimed at protecting the affair of Tawhid, the adminstration of Green Lane Mosque who hosted this speaker and mass distributed his video interview were driven to present a clarification on the topic. Their khateeb, Abu Usaamah Khaleefah (master of the art of deception and sleight-of-tongue - see further below) also delivered a sermon on the subject today (Friday, 9/11/12), the aim of which was in part to blatantly slander those who partook in correcting this error.
It is a great shame that despite the genuine and sincere concern for serious matters of the religion shown and demonstrated by those who point out (erroneous) affairs that can harm Muslims in their deen, these individuals and institutions continue the sad history of making out of place excuses and justifications for those making such serious errors and at the same time showing resentment, hatred (and outright lying) against those who pointed out such errors to protect the creed and faith of the average Muslim. Twisted scales of balance lead to twisted clarifications that lead to twisting and distorting of realities as the reader will see clearly in what follows.
Green Lane Mosque Administration and How To Tell Lies In Order to Cover Up For Entertainers and Sleight-of-Hand Magicians
In their clarification (see screenshot here), which is still available and present on their website, the administration of Green Lane Mosque, after presenting their clarification on magic, writes (emphasis added):
At the same time, it is also proper and just to maintain the correct etiquette and code of conduct when dealing with our fellow Muslims, and especially with du'at who dedicate their lives to calling others to this religion. We are all vulnerable to making mistakes and erring, and when this happens, as brothers and sisters in Islam, we offer one another sincere advice whilst correcting the mistakes that have been made so that others do not fall into them. We do not believe that the remark made was intended to confuse people nor promote magic, yet since some confusion has arisen, we make this clarification so that there is no doubt left in the issue.
Upon this speech are a number of comments:
ONE: Everyone can make mistakes and mistakes are slips of tongue and genuine errors that can be made, even in matters that pertain to usool, and the sign that something was a genuine error is that the person concerned makes an open clarification and clear retraction, and Allah, the Sublime and Exalted overlooks and pardons such errors and mistakes. What we have is an arrogant expression of a misguided opinion from Kamal al-Mekki, and an open call for Muslims to be put to trial in their deen, to witness falsehood and sha'wadhah (swindling, fraud, deception) and which is opening of a door that can lead to disbelief. So the issue here is that this organization's administration should be asking Kamal Mekki to make the clarification and recantation and make clear his position, not merely seeking to excuse itself apologetically and deceptively for its own action and involvement in this incident, whilst covering up the reality of what their host (Kamal al-Mekki) did on their platform. Further, this was not a mere "remark" as the Green Lane Mosque Administration puts it, this was actually an interview in which al-Mekki is encouraged to come out with his nonsense by the Green Lane Mosque representative, and he is not making a mere remark but arguing for his position whilst arrogantly looking down upon those who do not agree with him.
TWO: It is observed historically from this organization (Green Lane Mosque / Jam'iyyah Ahl al-Hadeeth), its speakers in particular, and some of its vocal allies and defenders, a history of lenience, accommodation, gentleness and defence of those who bring calamities in da'wah and some of whom are declared Innovators by the people of knowledge, yet on the other hand attack, ridicule and constant judging of intentions of those who point out the misguidance (in speech or action) of individuals whom they (Green Lane Mosque) host or cooperate with or ally or defend.
THREE: What we have here therefore is not the publishing of a clarification and recantation from Kamal al-Mekki - which is a matter this organization should have requested and pursued if they were genuinely and truly concerned about a matter pertaining to Tawhid (because this man has not recanted from his view and will be pushing it elsewhere too) - but a cover-up "clarification" and explaining away of the the reality of what took place. Which is that a Green Lane Mosque representative interviewed a man with full knowledge of his viewpoint (just read the interview to the right), where we see the interviewer say to Kamal al-Mekki, "OK... talking about jokes... uh, there's this black magic joke that you mentioned?" and "Can we get an example, of something that's sleight of hand?" - and these types of questions are not asked and nor such an interview conducted except with full knowledge of what this man is about and what he is upon. This will also establish the lie of Abu Usamah Khaleefah, khateeb and speaker at Green Lane Mosque who claim that Kamal al-Mekki's views only came to light after the conference. The transcribed interview to the right falsifies this claim.
FOUR: Regarding their statement - and this is where the great lie is found, "We do not believe that the remark made was intended to confuse people nor promote magic, yet since some confusion has arisen." A great and blatant lie indeed. In response, first of all no confusion has arisen about anything, the matter is clear, this man was calling to misguidance and deviation, in an arrogant way, with conviction upon his views. At the same time he was belittling those who oppose his views, and mocking with disdain and arrogance those sisters in Leeds who found objection with him. The man was openly calling to his misguided viewpoint and the interviewer was asking for this man to do some magic tricks, whilst listening to him arrogantly belittle those who do not agree with him. It is clear that Kamal Mekki had much more up his sleeve, but he perceived that he would receive a backlash and so he made that clear in his interview numerous times, alongside his derision of those who oppose him and likewise his belittlement, mockery and sarcasm of sisters from Leeds (may Allaah reward them for seeing and upholding what is right). Hence, to say "We do not believe that the remark made was intended to confuse people nor promote magic," is a great lie and is another example in the history of this organization and its speakers showing great defence, lenience, accommodation, or excuses for people for whom calamities come from (Usamah Hasan, Suhaib Hasan, Abdur-Rahman Abdul-Khaliq) - whilst constantly judging and attacking the intentions of those who venerate the Tawhid of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the Messenger and the methodologies of the Salaf and love that Muslims should be free of those (innovatory, deviant) affairs that cause them to be divided and separated.
Abu Usamah Khaleefah's Customary Deception of the Audience and Fooling with Their Minds and Intellects In Order to Demonize and Attack Those Who Venerate the Tawhid of the Messengers and Venerate the Wisdoms and Goals in the Shariah Legislations Aimed at Protecting the Belief of the Muslims
Abu Usamah Khaleefah delivered a sermon today (Friday, 9/11/12) and during his clarification he made the following deceptive remarks aimed at playing with the minds and emotions and intellects of the people:
Upon this there are some comments:
ONE:Abu Usamah repeats at least three times in his sermon a blatant, calculated, deceptive, slander that those who raised this issue of Kamal al-Mekki claimed and said that all the people at Green Lane Mosque, as in all the congregation and those who attend the mosque, actually believe in magic and promote magic! Allaahu Akbar! This is from the greatest of lies, it is from "magical (deceptive) speech" intended to put lies into peoples minds and hearts, and we complain to Allaah and ask Allaah to establish justice with respect to this deceitful liar. This liar said (play the above audio):
Some people may feel that Green Lane and everyone who attends Green Lane, myself included, you believe in magic, you support magic and that's something that's not permissible to say, its dhulm, the brother here is shaking his head clearly, I don't accept magic, I dont' believe in magic, and that's all of our positions inshaa'Allaah....
And the liar also said:
But don't come and don't say that I knew that man was doing magic, prior to that and he believed in magic and don't say that the community members brought a magician and they believed in magic, that's dhulm.
We complain to Allaah and we invoke Allaah, may the curse of Allaah be upon the liars, let Abu Usamah Khaleefah bring the speech (written or spoken) of anyone from us who said that the congregation and attendees of Green Lane Mosque "believe in magic" and "brought a magician" and "support magic" - let him bring his evidence in writing or in speech from anyone who said that. But this is the actual method Abu Usaamah Khaleefah uses in order to play and fool with the minds of the audience at Green Lane Mosque - and we really feel for these people, they are our brothers and sisters who have a sincere and genuine desire to follow the truth - but they are unfortunately exposed to swindlers such as Abu Usaamah Khaleefah whose tongue cannot remain in motion except with layers of deceptions and lies. Allaah is His reckoner. As Abu Uways (rahimahullaah) said in his hard-hitting and profound exposure of this dishonest, misguided individual, "The problem with Goldie is that he does not know when to shut his mouth" (listen to entire lecture, it is amazing and eye-opening into the deception of Abu Usamah Khaleefah). This is the famous tactic of Abu Usamah Khaleefah for those who know his reality, he will make false insinuations to an audience about people who have brought legitimate concerns and criticisms and then slander them with what they did not say, and his aim is to merely work up the audience and make them feel as if they are the victims and are being attacked and that any speech against him, or against the mosque administration or against the speakers they host who bring calamities or oppositions has to be twisted to mean every attendee at Green Lane Mosque is being tarnished. He knows, through pure calculation, that this is the most effective way of buffering these people from arriving at the true realities of those who are running the mosque and the da'wah from that mosque, and of some of the speakers they host and put in front of the people and likewise of himself!
TWO:Abu Usamah Khaleefah is already proven to be an established liar, one who has no shame even when it comes to reviling and attacking the honour of the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), as he displayed when he described the companion Waleed bin Uqbah (radiallaahu anhu) as a "faasiq" after having stated that he was a Companion moments earlier, and then in his later clarification, he made the excuse whilst swearing by Allaah that he did not know Waleed bin Uqbah was a companion. You can hear that with your own two ears right now, right here:
Here he is speaking of "the companion" al-Waleed bin Uqbah, saying, "There's a companion by the name of Waleed ibn Uqbah" and he describes him as a "faasiq":
And here he is swearing by Allaah to tell the lie he did not know Waleed bin Uqbah was a companion, saying, "I said wallaahi (by Allaah) I did not know that that man who drank khamr was a companion":
So when this is the reality of this man, then lying upon those who are less than this Companion (radiallaahu anhum), from those who venerate the Tawhid of the Messengers and venerate the Sunnah and respect its Scholars, callers and followers, and make walaa and baraa around that, then that will be much less in the eyes, intellect and conscience of Abu Usamah.
THREE: We see the same old characteristic appearing again from Abu Usaamah Khaleefah, a resentful, vindictive individual. This approach appears likewise from the stars and personalities who are hosted at Green Lane. When they are forced to make a clarification on some grave and serious issue of the religion (Kamal al-Mekki's magic, Yusuf Estes on the Qur'an being created, Usamah Hasan's call to evolution) they cannot at the same time withhold their tongues from expressing the resentment and utter hatred they have towards those who made corrections and raised the issues, judging their intentions, demonizing them and so on, showing that the actual issue of the religion is of lesser significance in their eyes than the fact that individuals who are essentially on their side of the fence, have been rightly and justly criticised for what they spoke or did. In his sermon, Abu Usaamah Khaleefah makes plain his resentment, anger, venom, judging intentions, making blatant lies against, slandering and instilling hatred against those who raised the issue of Kamal al-Mekki and magic. We wait for the day when instead of this evil and unjust behaviour, we actually see some gratitude and thanks, lenience and accommodation, the same type that is reserved for Suhayb Hasan, Usamah Hasan, Kamal al-Mekki, Yusuf Estes and others from whom disasters and calamities emanate.
FOUR: There is also a clear indication that this man is wanting in his intellect and reason because he tried to equate between renting a building from a non-Muslim (a worldly, permissible transaction) and between Green Lane Mosque being a platform for one of its hosted speakers calling openly for Muslims to witness magicians and magic tricks (a matter of da'wah and deen). This deceitful liar said (listen to audio above):
But don't come and don't say that I knew that man was doing magic, prior to that and he believed in magic and don't say that the community members brought a magician and they believed in magic, that's dhulm. Its like me saying your institution, you pay rent to a Sikh and because you're paying rent to a Sikh, every month you have to come up with so much money to give to the Sikh, you are supporting Sikhism, now how am I going to say that... I don't dislike you to that degree to be a dhaalim to that point your lawaazim al-baatilah and that is not from our religion.
First, renting a building and subsequently fulfiling the obligation of the contract to pay what is specified is required Islamically. At this point, this matter is simply a worldly transaction. What the building is actually used for does not impact the actual worldly transaction aspect. As such, to use the presentation of the following line of thinking: a) the paying of rent to a non-Muslim Sikh for the use of a building means that one is promoting of sikhism as an equivalent analogy for the following: b) Green Lane Mosque hosted a speaker who openly calls to entertainment through magic and this means that Green Lane Mosque (thereby) promoted magic is not correct, because the first is purely a worldly transaction, it has nothing to do with da'wah and the interaction has nothing to do with Sikhism. But as for Green Lane Mosque, their interaction is da'wah. Further, it can rightly be said and has been said, that Green Lane Mosque are responsible for the promotion of magic by this speaker. That does not mean (as in Abu Usaamah's twisted mind) that Green Lane Mosque believe in and support magic. It means they were responsible for the promotion of magic in the circumstances. However, even this is not the comparison that Abu Usaamah is actually making. The statement b) above is not what Abu Usaamah said, rather he added his slander and actually stated (making the accusation that it has been said): c) Green Lane Mosque hosted a speaker who called to entertainment through magic and this means that all attendees of Green Lane Mosque therefore "believe in magic" and "brought a magician" and "support magic." So you can see that even in attempting to strike his examples and analogies, the man cannot get things straight, as the analogy is actually wrong and false in the first place, and then added to it are slanders and lies and fabrications. What is truly astounding is that all along, Abu Usaamah Khaaleefah readily admits the fact that Green Lane Mosque (and himself) are to blame in this in khutbah:
Green Lane, myself included, were blameworthy in that we had a responsiblity to check the background of every speaker who comes to the masjid because we want to be sure that people are going to be calling to purity to the pristine al-Islam.
So when this call came from a speaker hosted by Green Lane Mosque (Kamal al-Mekki) and then they distributed and spread the video (because of its entertainment and humour value), reaching thousands of people, then it is rightly asserted that Green Lane Mosque was responsible for people being called to witness falsehood and to witness and engage in magic and showing a lack of concern in a matter that pertains to Tawhid. And the fact that Green Lane Mosque had to put out a clarification shows that the criticism they received was correct and appropriate. All of their own statements and actions validate the fact that they were rightly criticised and blamed and held responsible for promotion of falsehood, yet at the same time, they show such resentment, anger, venom and instill hatred into the hearts of the people against those who highlighted the great danger in the first place.
The point here is to show the twisted mind of Abu Usaamah Khaleefah which inspires his tongue with multiple layers of deception, and everything he says actually validates those whom he is attacking yet at the same time and in the same breath, he uses magical speech intended to deceive. It is reported from the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), that he said, (إن من البيان لسحرا), "Verily from speech is that which is magic," eloquent deceptive speech that makes truth falsehood and falsehood truth.
Kamal al-Mekki's Enticement of Muslims to Watch Magicians and His Arrogant Disdain and Mockery of Those Who Oppose Him
Here is the transcript of the interview:
Interviewer: OK... talking about jokes... uh, there's this black magic joke that you mentioned? KM: Yea, I mean, I was warned that in Birmingham if I mentioned that I like magic, that there would be a riot and stuff. And I'll be blacklisted and all kind of things now. And it's very irritating because you try to explain to people when we say ma-, the word magic, in contemporary English, it doesn't mean sorcery, ya'nee, it doesn't mean sorcery and it doesn't mean jinn. When you say the word magic now, we use that to mean, to refer to sleight of hand, things like that, you pick a card, any card, something like that, and there's nothing haraam about that. You can argue that it's a waste of time, that's no problem, like TV, like? that's fine. But it's not haraam, ya'nee, it's just... sleight of hand, it's illusion, yeah? So, if you watch Dynamo, Criss Angel, or... Oh! Muslims talk about, "I don't watch them cause they use jinn." And they don't use jinn. I can show you every one of their tricks, how they do it, and every one of them has an explanation, yeah? So, but, and one talent show I was going to do some sleight of hand tricks, but someone already came up and objected, (deep mocking voice), "Oh, magic on stage!" So, khalaas. So, we tell people that what's haraam is sorcery, yeah? So, if you go to a magician's show, they're just doing illusions on stage, there's nothing haraam about that. Now, so what you're not allowed to go to - to a black magician, yeah? That's what's haraam. Now I don't mean a "black" magician (gesturing to his skin color), ya'nee, I mean... (laughs) a magician who uses jinn and stuff. Interviewer: Can we get an example, of something that's sleight of hand? KM: Yea, absolutely, I brought something with me (reaches into pocket), watch this. This is a grape, yeah? (displays a grape). I'm going to make it disappear. Interviewer: Watch carefully, cameras... KM: (Chews and swallows grape) It's gone! (Interviewer laughs out loud, crowd also) What do you think? Don't ask me to bring it back though! You'll have to wait. (everyone laughs) Interviewer: While we all sit here waiting, do we want so say the watermelon joke? KM: No, no we don't. Interviewer: (laughing) Leave that for another day. KM: Birmingham, Birmingham! You have to know where you are. Interviewer: (laughs) C'mon guys, we've got this reputation. KM: Some things work in America, and they would not work in, uh, in the UK, you know? I learned that when I was in Leeds. Some sisters got offended and stuff. Sisters always want to get offended. I'm so glad there are no sisters at this conference, you know. (Interviewer laughs) No, I'm just kidding, I know they're somewhere else, yeah? Cause you know, uh, they just want to get offended, they want an apology and stuff... I was, if a sister comes to me, she's like, "I'm offended and I want to leave." I'd be like, "The door is right there, so make a left, and leave. I can call you a cab if you don't have a ride, you know?
There is a sick disease, it is an Ikhwani disease in its origin, which permeates organizations such as al-Maghrib Institute and it is found with Green Lane Mosque, which is disguising entertainment as da'wah or mixing between the two. This is actually part of a broader problem whereby the fact that mass media, globalization, rapid communications and the advancement in technology and mobile devices have brought Muslims ever more so intimately into contact with the tribulation of "entertainment" and "cool" culture. Within this context we see organizations positioning themselves in a very specific way - from business marketing considerations and hizbi (partisanship) considerations - to present a type and form of da'wah that can monopolize on this type of "cool" culture that Muslims are put to trial with and unfortunately identify with. The result of this is that the innocent, average Muslims (who are afflicted by and caught up in something of this culture) but who still nevertheless yearn and want to please their Lord are put to trial and are drawn into a confusing, deceitful subconscious web whereby the content delivered to them (i.e. Islamic knowledge) is polluted and poisoned by the ways and means and contexts through which it is delivered. And hence, along the way, they are led to believe that certain things which clash with Islam and the culture of Islam are acceptable, if not engaging and fun to be involved in!
The mode of delivery of knowledge actually plays an important role in the way that knowledge is absorbed, settled and grasped in the heart and mind and also the subsequent effect that knowledge has on the heart and mind. Hence, when knowledge is being presented through frivolities or with a mix of entertainment - as is the methodology of much of al-Maghrib's seminars (frivolities and much of what is objectionable) [and we see Green Lane Mosque showing signs of engaging in a similar type of method], then it is no wonder that these people have to come back five or six times to the very same seminars and lectures, because what their souls are primarily seeking is the social and entertainment "buzz" and as for the actual knowledge, though it is delivered, it's impact does not receive the blessing that is received when a person learns knowledge with the right and serious frame of mind and heart.
Abu Usamah Khaleefah Tells Lies After Swearing By Allaah In Order to Excuse His Revilement of a Companion
Abu Usamah Khaleefah is already proven to be an established liar, one who has no shame even when it comes to reviling and attacking the honour of the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), as he displayed when he described the companion Waleed bin Uqbah (radiallaahu anhu) as a "faasiq" after having stated that he was a Companion moments earlier, and then in his later clarification, he made the excuse whilst swearing by Allaah that he did not know Waleed bin Uqbah was a companion. You can hear that with your own two ears right now, right here:
Here he is speaking of "the companion" al-Waleed bin Uqbah, saying, "There's a companion by the name of Waleed ibn Uqbah" and he describes him as a "faasiq":
And here he is swearing by Allaah to tell the lie he did not know Waleed bin Uqbah was a companion, saying, "I said wallaahi (by Allaah) I did not know that that man who drank khamr was a companion":
So when this is the reality of this man, then lying upon those who are less than this Companion (radiallaahu anhum), from those who venerate the Tawhid of the Messengers and venerate the Sunnah and respect its Scholars, callers and followers, and make walaa and baraa around that, then that will be much less in the eyes, intellect and conscience of Abu Usamah.