Takfir and the Excuse of Ignorance: Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (5) - On Those Who Worship the Righteous Upon Ignorance Wednesday, February 03 2016 - by Abu.Iyaad Read more articles at Manhaj.Com Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan on takfir of Those Who Worship the Righteous May Allaah reward the sister who sent us this audio: Download MP3 File. Original is from this lecture (Sharh Fath al-Majeed) at 55m:30s, dated 17/04/1437AH (see here).
Question:Esteemed Shaykh, this questioner says: The one who went astray in the topic of intercession and worshipped the righteous due to a doubt which occurred to him, can he be prayed over (with the funeral prayer)? Comment: This is powerful refutation of the misguided, evil Haddaadiyyah who accuse the Salafi scholars of Irjaa' because they afford the excuse of ignorance in matters of Shirk and claim that to affirm Islaam for a person who falls into Shirk out of ignorance without the proof being established upon him is the religion of al-Jahm bin Safwaan and Daawood bin Jarjees. In the above answer, Shaykh al-Fawzan affirms that such a person is prayed over. These people (Haddadis and Takfiri Extremists) employ this issue in which scholars have differences as a means of kindling tribulation and engineering the accusation of al-Irjaa' against Ahl al-Sunnah. For a detailed refutation of these misguided evil Innovators which include factions from the followers of Yahya al-Hajuri, refer to this book:
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