Shaykh 'Ubayd: The affair in my view is not taken absolutely (in this way). Rather, included within the understanding of the deen of Allaah, is to know the Sunnah, to call others to act upon it, and likewise, warning from innovations and the Innovators. This is because based upon this unrestricted statement (i.e. that mentioned in the question) a generation of youth and other than them will be produced who do not have any criterion with respect to the manhaj or the manaahij (methodologies). And the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), ever since Allaah sent him, up until He took him away, used to establish Tawheed, and call others to it, and would encourage others upon it, just as he would also establish all the other action-based obligations of the deen, such as prayer, zakaah, hajj and others from the legislated dealings (affirmed in the Sharee'ah). Just as he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also used to warn from Shirk, and all the sins and innovations and newly invented matters. And there is a good model (of behaviour) in this, and this is the true manhaj.
And amongst what has been preserved from him (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) by way of sound reports is the hadeeth of Abdur-Rahmaan bin Abd Rabb il-Ka'bah, from Abdullaah bin Amar (radiallahu anhumaa), that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "There was never any Prophet before me except that it was a duty upon him to direct his Ummah to all the good that he knew andto warn them from all the evil that he knew". And also in the hadeeth of splitting, which is authentic and is fit to be used for evidence in the view of Ahl us-Sunnah. He (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "This Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of them are in the Fire except for one." They said, "Which one O Messenger of Allaah", and he replied, "The Jamaa'ah", and Ibn Mas'ood explained this, "The Jamaa'ah is whatever agrees with the truth, even if you are alone". And in another weak narration, but some of the people of knowledge have authenticated it by way of other supporting witnesses, is when they said, "Which one O Messenger of Allaah", and he replied, "Whoever is upon what I and my companions are upon". And his warning from the Dajjaal is also authentically related from him (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), [his warning being] to such an extent that one of them would say, "We used to certainly think that he was amongst the date-palm trees (meaning in Madinah)". And he also warned from the Khawaarij and ordered that they be fought and killed. And he also promised a reward for this, and he does not make a promise except that it originates from Allaah, the Blessed and Exalted. And the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned from the Qadariyyah, and named them the "Majoos of this Ummah", and he also warned from the Raafidah, when he said, "A people will arise who have name, they will be called "Raafidah", so when you meet them, then fight them, for they are Mushriks".
So he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) warned from these sects, yet they had not arisen during this time. The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) did not see them, and he warned from sins, and he did not even see those who committed them, so he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, "There are two groups of the inhabitants of the Fire, that I have not yet seen: A people who have whips like the tails of cows, and women who have clothes but appear naked and will twist their shoulders delicately and walk with waving motions, their heads will appear like the humps of wedling she-camels", to the end of the hadeeth.
So from all of this you will become certain that this statement (mentioned in the question) is not correct. Rather, the teacher teaches his student the Sunnah, he teaches him Tawheed, and all of the action-based obligations of the deen, and the rulings of the Sharee'ah in worship and in dealings, just as he also warns from all forms of disobedience, and the greatest of them is Shirk, and likewise he warns from innovations and newly-invented matters. However, sometimes the Scholar might expect something from his student, when he is just a beginner. He might desire to make him memorise some of the texts, and make him establish certain affairs. So he should not say this (statement) and nor should he wait (till he has done that). Rather, in accordance with what the prevailing benefit requires, in accordance with what the affair requires. And the field today resounds thunderously with innovations, newly-invented matters, excesses and desire, and the people of deviation enter into every house. So it is obligatory for those who are sincere advisers to the Ummah that they explain the truth to the people along with its evidence, and that they should incite and encourage them upon it, and that they should also explain the innovations, the newly-invented matters and to warn from them.
This is because the field today is decayed, rotten, spoiled. And [yet] there is to be found within it, and to Allaah belongs praise, much of the truth, and the people of the truth do not cease (to exist), and they have awe (held towards them), and they have onslaughts (made upon them) and excursions, and they also have their authority and strength. However alongside all of this, the field is resounding with the rotten statements and actions.
So if the people were left like this, which is what is apparent from this statement (i.e. mentioned in the question), then the matter will become confusing upon them, and so the Sunnah will end by the side of Bid'ah and there will be no criterion. So with this, it becomes clear that this absolution (in this statement) is falsehood.
And I say in relation to this, that from the way of Ahl ul-Bid'ah and from their methodology is to make generalisations in statements. So beware of the likes of this statement. And you must adhere to the way of the Salaf us-Saalih, those who took the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and his companions after him as a guide, model to be followed. And I will mention here what is reported by Abu 'Umar Ibn 'Abdil-Barr in his Tamheed with his chain of narration to Asbagh bin al-Faraj, from Maalik (rahimahullaah) who said, "Wahb bin Kaisaan used to sit with us - or he said he used sit with us or sit by us - and would not stand until he would say, "Know that the latter part of this affair, will not be rectified except what rectified its first part". Asbagh said to Maalik, "What does he intend?" He said, "He means the beginning of the deen, or at-taqwaa (piety)"."