Shaykh al-Albaanee on Differentiating Between Aqidah and Manhaj Thursday, July 01 2010 - by Manhaj.Com Read more articles at Manhaj.Com Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) was asked:
Some of the youth differentiate between the aqidah of the Salaf and the manhaj of the Salaf so you see some of them upon the aqidah of the Salaf yet they allow themselves to work with some of the methodologies that exist today, even though there maybe what opposes the manhaj of the Salaf within them in terms of practice. So is there a binding link between the aqidah and manhaj of the Salaf in the practical implementation of the Salafi manhaj. He replied:
That which I believe and worship Allaah with is that there are both generalities (in similarity) and specific (aspects) between the Salafi manhaj and aqidah. Aqidah is more specific than manhaj as all of you know. Aqidah has a link with what is called - in the view of many of the Jurists - the "knowledge of tawhid", and this is the chief and fundamental aspect of Islaam. However, manhaj is more vast than aqidah or Tawhid. As for those who claim that the differentiation that has come in this question (between aqidah and manhaj), then they desire by this to make it permissible for themselves to adopt ways and means in their daw'ah to Islaam which the Salaf us-Salih were not upon. To say this in a different way, they consider that they have the liberty to adopt whatever ways and means they think will help them to convey (and actualise) Islaam, and you are aware of the examples of this type or these types of means. Source: al-Asaalah Magazine, Volume 22.
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