Is Tazkiyah (or Graduation) Required Before One Teaches and Gives Da'wah? Part 11: Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbaad
Sunday, October 06 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad
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Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbaad was asked about teaching some of the books of usool in Tawhid and he gave the answers below (mp3). The questioner starts with the following:

لقد درست في بلدي الأصول الثلاثة والقواعد الأربع وكشف الشبهات وكتاب التوحيد ونواقض الاسلام وغيرها ، فهل لي أن أدرس في بلدي ولو لم أتحصل على تزكية من أهل العلم؟

I studied al-Usul al-Thalaathah, al-Qawaa'i al-Arba', Kashf al-Shubuhaat, Kitaab al-Tawheed and Nawaaqid al-Islaam and others in my city. Is it (permissible) for me to teach in my city even though I have not acquired a tazkiyah (commendation) from the people of knowledge?

The Shaykh answered:

الإنسان يعرف قدر نفسه ،فإذا كان عنده شيئ من المعرفة يؤدي على قدر مايستطيع ، لكن إذا كان غير متحقق من ضبط الأمور ومعرفة الحق فإنه يُخشى عليه ، لكن مثل هذه الكتب إذا قرأت شروحها من أهل العلم العالمين بها والمتمكنين منها والتي شروحها مفيدة فيها فأنت تستفيد وممكن أن تقرأ عليهم هذه الكتب وشروحها ، أما كونك تأتي من نفسك بشيئ وأنت قد لا تكون مطمئن به لنفسك فإن من الخير لك الا تقدم على شيئ لا تضبطه ولا تتمكن منه، ولكن إذا قرأت عليهم من هذه الكتب وهذه الشروح التي هي شروح سليمة فإن المقصود يحصل .

A person knows his own level, so when he has something of knowledge, he can offer it to the extent he is able, but if he is not able to be precise in the affairs and (arrive) at knowledge of the truth then it is feared for him. However, the likes of these books, when you read them with their explanations coming from the people of knowledge, who have knowledge with respect to these (books), who are firmly-grounded in them, and whose explanations provide benefit with respect to them, then you can benefit and it is possible that you can read these books and the explanations to them. As for you coming and bringing something from yourself and you are not even sure about it yourself, then it is better for you that you do not enter into something that you are not precise in, you are not grounded in. However, if you read these books and explanations to them, which are sound (correct) explanations, then the objective will be attained.

Another related question:

أحسن الله إليك، في مسألة قريبة من هذه ، هو أن بعض الناس الان قد يتصدر للتدريس ، ويقال هذا الرجل الان لا نعلم احدا زكاه من أهل العلم هل نجلس إليه أو لا نجلس؟

May Allaah be benevolent to you, regarding a matter that is related to this, which is that some people come forward to teach, and it is said that this man, at this time, we do not know anyone who has given him tazkiyah from the people of knowledge, shall we sit with him or shall we not sit with him?

To which the Shaykh replied:

ليس بلازم أن يكون كل إنسان مُزكى، ليس بلازم ، لكن الكلام هنا كون الانسان عنده قدرة وتمكن ، كلٌ على حسب ما يستطيع ، لو ذهبت إلى أي انسان ممكن ما تجد عنده تزكية، ما كل انسان عنده تزكية ، قد يكون الرجل يبلغ من العلم ما بلغ ويدرس وليس عنده تزكية ، ما عنده تزكيه ، ما عنده فلان زكاه ، لكن المهم كون الانسان يعرف قدر نفسه ، فإذا كان عنده قدرة ويبني على كلام علماء محققين ورسائل وشروح متعلق بالموضوع يدرسه ويتكلم فيه وفقا لما قاله الشارحون المعتبرون في ذلك ، فإن ذلك المقصد ، وليس بلازم إن شفت أحدا يدرس تروح تسأله عندك تزكية او ما عندك تزكية،

It is not binding for every person to have tazkiyah (commendation), it is not binding. However, the speech here is about a person having ability and grounding, every person to the level he is able. If you went to any person, its possible you will not find him having a tazkiyah, not every person has a tazkiyah, but a man may sometimes reach whatever level of knowledge he has reached, and he teaches yet he does not have a tazkiyah, he does not have a tazkiyah. He does not anyone who has give him commendation. What is important however is that a person should know his own level, so when he has ability and he bases (his teaching) upon the speech of the investigative scholars, and treatises and explanations related to the topic, he teaches (in the matter) and speaks about it in agreement with what the accepted explainers have said regarding that, because that is the objective. And it is not binding that when you see someone teaching that you go and ask him, "Do you have a tazkiyah or not have a tazkiyah?"

The next question:

أحسن الله إليك، مقولة ابن سيرين: ( إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمن تاخذون دينكم) يستدلون به على انه ليس لكل أحد جلس للتدريس

May Allaah be benevolent towards you, the statement of Ibn Seereen, "This knowledge is deen, so look to see from whom you are taking your deen", they use this as evidence that it is not for everyone to sit to teach.

To which the Shaykh replied:

صحيح، ليس كل أحد ، لكن أنا اقول الانسان الذي يجلس عليه أن يعرف قدر نفسه، فإن كان عنده قدرة فعل ، وغيره يستفيد منه، وإن كان ما عنده قدرة يترك ، أو يقرأ الشيئ الذي كُتب كتابة سليمة وكاتبها (...كلمة غير واضحة) مثل الشيخ ابن باز وابن عثيمين

It is correct, it is not for everyone, but I say that a person who has (others) sitting around him he should know his level, so if he has ability, then he does so and others can benefit from him. And if he does not have ability, then he abandons it, or he reads something that has been written and is sound and its author (word unclear) such as Ibn Baz, Ibn Uthaymeen.

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